Poll: Which Celebrity Should Leave US?


New member
This is pretty funny. I'd be really torn if I had to vote. As much as we all dislike Rosie, she's just laughing stock in the end. (No pun intended!!!!) Even though they're all laughing stock, I think I'd cast my final vote for Barbra Streisand. Does anybody else want to weigh in? Hey, I just had a brainstorm: Let's just build a huge fence around California, and declare it a separate country? That way, they'd all move!

(CNSNews.com) - The Website of House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) is polling visitors about which celebrity they'd most like to see leave the country. "It's been reported that Hollywood liberals Alec Baldwin and Robert Altman intend to leave the United States when George W. Bush is elected president," says Armey's webpage. Who in Hollywood would you most want to see buy a one-way ticket? The options are Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand, Rosie O'Donnell, Susan Sarandon, or Whoopi Goldberg. Of the 473 votes cast by 10:31 a.m. Wednesday, about 40 percent of respondents chose Rosie O'Donnell, followed by Barbara Streisand (27.7 percent); Alex Baldwin (17.6 percent); Whoopi Goldberg (7.6 percent); and Susan Sarandon (6.4 percent).

Mark King

New member
Okay, You send Rosie, I'll cast my vote for Alec Baldwin, you know, the rabid movie star who wants to get violent with anyone who supports the RKBA. Mark / FL


New member
Uh, that wouldn't be a smart move on his part. JMHO. :)


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark King:
Okay, You send Rosie, I'll cast my vote for Alec Baldwin, you know, the rabid movie star who wants to get violent with anyone who supports the RKBA. Mark / FL[/quote]


New member
Who said he was smart????? Did they have an all of the above as a choice?? I think the question is better phrased who should be allowed to stay?

"Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes."
-R.A. Heinlein
Here's my list of who else should move to North Korea or China. Their views are more suited to life in those countries than here....

Michael Douglas
Tom Hanks
Tom Cruise
John Travolta
ALL of the Baldwins
The entire cast of Friends
Yaphet Koto
James Brolin

Olympia Dukakis
Shaniah Twain
Nicole Kidman
Barbara Streisan

There are many more, but I can't think right now. Not enough coffee on board.

Beware the man with the S&W .357 Mag.
Chances are he knows how to use it.


New member
If we only have one vote, it MUST be for Hanoi Jane Fonda. Ask any POW who was in North Vietnam. IMHO her recent "anguish" over what she did was as patently false as her actions during the Vietnam war were repugnant and traitorous.



New member
They can all go as far as I'm concerned. I'm sick of their magazine-plastered faces and the associated worship that is expected to go along with it.


NRA? Good. Now join the GOA!

The NRA is our shield, the GOA will be our sword.


New member
Maybe the election of G Dubya will create such palpable horror and shuttering in California that the mother of all earthquakes, plunging the entire western seaboard into the drink, will be triggered! Yes, I am a dreamer! :)

P.S. No offense intended, of course, to our friends in Washington, Oregon and even California! ;)

[This message has been edited by Oscar (edited September 20, 2000).]


New member
Who would really give a s%$@#@ if a bunch of Homosexual drug head immoral ant patriotic bunch of scumbags leaves our country...there's thousands more just like 'em waiting to fill their shoes..



New member
Gregory Peck. You have to look real long to find anyone in Hollywood that belongs to and/or supports more anti gun causes than he does. Without him, IMHO, Hollywood would be pretty much neutral. I've always considered him to be one of the best actors ever, but I can't watch him anymore due to his extreme prejudice against guns. I say we trade him to Australia for some of the good folks from down under who post here.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 45King:
All of 'em except Tom Selleck and Gerald McRaney.

I have a question about Selleck. I heard a rumor that he has backed off from the NRA since his Rosie flap. Is this true or not? I would hope not, and if the rumor is unfounded, would love to know.



New member
Mike I, where did you hear that Shania was anti-gun. I'm not questioning it, would like to see some link. I'd hate to have to use her CD's as targets, only one on your list I give a damn about.

Mr. Blonde

New member
I didn't know Shania was anti-gun, I'd still **** her.

My list is:

1. FAT rosie (she will always be fat)
2. FAT rosie (there is enough room for two)
3. Shania but I'd have to go with her.
4. Oprah because she's ugly
5. Whoopie because she's ugly
6. Every sports player
7. The Rock
8. Kid Rock
9. Any new entertainment figure
10.Any loser that follows the new entertainment figure
13.Christina Aguilera (blondes suck)
14.Britney Spears (blondes Suck)
15.Anti-Scarface Activists
16.Child diddlers

"Get rid of that nickel plated sissy pistol and get yourself a Glock" - Tommy Lee Jones

"Chi Chi, Get The Yeyo" - Tony Montana


New member
I think the vote for which celebrity should NOT go to a communist country that better suits their ideals. . . . .

Ted Nugent.



New member
My thoughts on deporting all the Hollywood “Elite”.

The day I unplugged my television is the day I mentally deported every single one of those Hollywood jacka$$es, their media cronies, and every liberal politician who is angry with and out to punish the rest of us for allowing them to develop beyond a fetus.

I mentally sent them all to a Red Chinese prison camp where their fearless leftist leader Bill Clinton rolls around under powerful searchlights in his own fecal matter and urine while anti American propaganda blares over a PA system 24hrs a day.

When I want to check up on them, I go to any TV at any time of any day and turn on any channel and there they are...acting out the scene I've just described. Only the voice chanting anti-freedom rhetoric seems to change. (From Rather, to Brokejaw, to Jennings...over to Brokejaw...back to Jennings...lateral pass to Rather…what’s this, a new player on the field…it's a slick underhanded hand off to Algore whose making a blind end run…and… touchdown!!)...and the crowd vomits profusely.

It's all so clear to me now...I just had to take off my glasses to bring it all into sharper focus!!
Regards in TV-less bliss

….but don’t think for a second that I don’t still have my eye on them. I just can’t stand looking at them while I watch. ;)