Poll on Ninth Circuit Court


New member
I voted and I hope the Supreme Court takes up this fight. I live in this God awful State, and at times, feel that I am in a different country. How in the Heck the dems still control every aspect of this State is a mystery to me. By the way, the 9th circut is a bunch of old liberals, that will only be removed by natural causes...I hate to admit it but, I will have to move to enjoy rights granted by the constitution that most of you all take for granted :mad:

Every time or I should say every night when some gangbanger shoots up the neighborhood, they want to either take my guns away, or make it harder for me to buy more! Can someone please explain this logic to me? These animals have not been cared about a single days in their lives, and now society has to clean up the mess. And in the democratic way of thinking, that means restricting my rights.


Dave R

New member

Particularly poorly worded poll. Looks like you have two opportunities to make either point.