Poll: Most embarrassing moment in a gun store


New member
Ok guys (ladies too),

What's the most embarrassing thing you've done in a gun store?
Yes, I too am guilty of being youthfully enthusiastic and wanting to
show off my firearms knowledge.

A couple of weeks ago some guy was looking at an AR-15. Clerk didn't know how to lock the bolt back, release it or anything. Being trained by the best on said weapon (U.S. Army) I did a full demonstration on how to operate it.
I should have quit after that. I then proceeded to show off by field stripping a 1911 and putting it back together in under 30 seconds. Things went fine until I got to the slide release. The retaining pin was kinda stiff and I spent 20 minutes trying to finagle it back in with out scratching the gun. (Some sort of smilie showing extreme embarrassment) The clerk took pity on me and got a screwdriver out of the gunsmith box to push the pin in so I could get the slide release all the way in.

Needless to say, I'm on a 6 month probationary period down there. I ain't going back until I buy something there.

So who else had a moment of brilliant idiocy?


New member
At the local outdoor range, I was shooting some guys Witness chambered in 45, He went to get something to drink and I was shooting the mags he left loaded, he said shoot away... When he got back he had a little kid with him... his son! no ammo left!! I shot all of this guys ammo. (50rd's) I felt really bad.. he was saving the remaining ammo for his kid, I felt really bad and I bought two 50rd boxes of overpriced range ammo (WWB).


New member
I was in my aunt's gun shop a few weeks back, looking around and just chatting (it's on the way home from work, so I'll pop in about once a week and say hi). I was looking for an AR (my first), so looking at a few and just chatting. This one guy walks in with I think 3 Glocks to trade in. They do the trade and he starts looking at AR's as well. She takes down an AR with a steel barrel, and the handguard was what appeared to be a solid piece of aluminum (not open-holed like the standard ones on the AR). Well he puts it down on the counter and looks at another one. Puts the other one back and (apparently) decides to purchase the 1st one. During this time I had wandered over and picked up the AR and was messing around with it. I didn't realize that he had said that was the one he was going to take!

My aunt gets the case and puts the AR in it, rings the guy up and he leaves. I felt like such a schmo for doing that!