Political quiz


New member
This is kind of an interesting quiz:


It's short but seems accurate and gives you separate scores in different categories as well as a composite label. Here are my results:

Progressive/Conservative Score: 6 - Social Moderate
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score: 4 - Capitalist Purist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score: 0 - Anarchist
Pacifist/Militarist Score: 1 - Pacifist
You are a Libertarian

I do have a problem with the "Anarchist" and "Pacifist" labels, though not with the numerical scores. I'm certainly NOT an anarchist or a pacifist; I just believe in as few infringements of civil liberties as possible, and I don't believe any nation has the right to attack another except when necessary for defensive reasons.

Anyway, how'd you do? :)


New member
ProgressiveProgressive/Conservative Score 11 - Progressive
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score 12 - Socialist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score 0 - Anarchist
Pacifist/Militarist Score 2 - Pacifist

You are a Hardcore Democrat


New member
Progressive/Conservative Score 5 - Social Moderate
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score 3 - Capitalist Purist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score 3 - Libertarian-leaning
Pacifist/Militarist Score 5 - Defensive Moderate

You are a Libertarian (I am?)


New member

This means I'm an anarchist but also a Democrat?? Anarchists consider all governments illegitimate and Democrats endorse big and/or intrusive government, so I don't see how someone can be both, but this quiz somehow manages.


New member
This means I'm an anarchist but also a Democrat?? Anarchists consider all governments illegitimate and Democrats endorse big and/or intrusive government, so I don't see how someone can be both, but this quiz somehow manages.

Or it could simply be that your personal definition of either anarchist or democrat is not in sync with the quizz's author(s).
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New member
7 - Social Moderate
8 - Social Capitalist
4 - Libertarian-leaning
2 - Pacifist

Now I am more confused politically than I was this morning....:confused:


New member
Progressive/Conservative Score 6 - Social Moderate
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score 2 - Capitalist Purist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score 0 - Anarchist
Pacifist/Militarist Score 7 - Defense Moderate

You are a Hardcore Libertarian


New member
You are a Libertarian (I am?)

Yes you are. The Libertians have the highest membership of ny party that doesn't know it is a member :p

The problem is the Libertarians are so independent minded getting them to organize is like herding cats. They also regulalry shoot themself in the foot with candidates like Howard Stern. Finally there is a large portion of people who have yet to equate "The War on Drugs" with "The War on Personal Freedom." If people could come to terms with the government NOT being responsible for telling them what is good for them then more people would be able to admit to themselves that they are libertarians.


New member
2 – Conservative
2 - Capitalist Purist
4 - Libertarian-leaning
12 – Warmonger
NeoCon Republican

Wow Hardcore..:eek:


New member
Progressive/Conservative Score: 8 - Moderate Progressive
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score: 0 - Anarcho-Capitalist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score: 2 - Libertarian
Pacifist/Militarist Score: 6 - Defense Moderate

You are a: Hardcore Libertarian

Not really surpised. I kinda like the label of "anarcho capitalist."

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
OK. I'll play....

Progressive/Conservative Score: 2 - Conservative
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score: 2 - Capitalist Purist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score: 0 - Anarchist
Pacifist/Militarist Score: 6 - Defense Moderate

You are a Hardcore Libertarian

I've been called "hardcore" before... Just not quite in this manner! :rolleyes: Who woulda thunk it!


New member
Progressive/Conservative Score 0 - Ultra-Conservative
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score 3 - Capitalist Purist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score 8 - Authoritarian-leaning
Pacifist/Militarist Score 12 - Warmonger

You are a NeoCon Republican
Progressive/Conservative Score-10 Progressive
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score-9 Social Capitalist
Libertarian/Authoritarian Score-0 Anarchist
Pacifist/Militarist Score-6 Defense Moderate

You are a Democrat

No, I'm not a Democrat. I'm a dedicated loose cannon... kind of like Pat Buchanan without all the imigration paranoia.
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