Political Ads for Dave Thomas UT...Arrgh!

Eric Larsen

New member
I just saw an ad for Dave Thomas a guy running for Public Office in the state of uephoria...er UTAH. He has an TV commercial where he states..."Although I do support the second amm, we have gone to far to the right. We dont need guns in our Churches and Schools".....UT CCW permits allow carry in these locations.
Here is my email to Mr. Thomas, respectfully.

"Dear Mr. Thomas,

I just saw your promotional ad about..." We don't need to be to far to the Right, We don't need to have guns in schools and church's" OK...this is an honest question. As a gun enthusiast and a CCW permit holder, I would like to know your reasoning behind this comment. Simply put, WHY? If you can tell me the advantages of an honest permit holder NOT CARRYING in our public school system and religious homes of worship in a rational and a way that makes sense...hey I'm all for it. I'm honestly asking for your opinion and for an answer.
Ill ask another if I may? What "heightened element of danger" do CCW permit holders, hold in a church or school environment as opposed to the person seated next to you in a nice restaurant?

I simply dont understand your view on this issue, from an honest and intelligent CCW permit holder. However, I can see you trying to "hit the neutral ground" in your political views on a touchy and highly debated subject. Doing this is sitting on a "Political Fence" or choosing not to decide on this issue, as it may have a negative effect on your Voting publics view of you as a potential Public Representative. Choosing not to decide, you still have made a choice....in effect.

Again, I respectfully ask my questions and I will look forward hearing your answer, given the realistic expectation that it is unlikely to happen.

CCW permit holders are anything but a problem. What is the problem in my opinion, is government listening to the Anti-gunners and trying to impose more silly, uneducated and pointless gun laws that only restrict what the "Good Guys" can legally do in regards to firearms. We indeed are the "Good Guys", dear Mr. Thomas. All you are doing is continuing to attempt to give the advantage to the "Not so Good Guys".

That is unless you know something that I dont. I respectfully await your reply.


Eric Larsen"

Well see what he has to say...if anything. Im just another dot on the grand map....

I just cant stand all of the BS people throw around during the Electoral process. What a farce! Any replies?

Shoot well


New member
I doubt you will hear back from him.

Not my district, but I've hated Dave Thomas since I saw his original ads that made a joke about Dave Thomas from Wendy's. (right after he died). What a doofus.


Probably...I think all politicians in Utah are LDS.
Dave Thomas and Matheson are both morons. I'm voting for Swallow. I'd prefer to vote for the libertarian candidate, but I want to oust Masterbastheson.....


New member
If he is LDS, there are bad apples in every oganization. And he would be a disgrace to that church.

The LDS church teaches personal reponsibility and independence. Disallowing responsible use of firearms is directly contrary to both.


New member
All of our legislatWHORES are a discrace to the Chruch. Every single one of them has forgotten the principles that the Church teaches and has sold out to the special interest groups and other parties all for the sake of making themselves a bigger campain fund (read retirement) account, and to make deals on the hill.

There is no way for a person who has strong political or religious convictions to last for any length of time in the environment we have back east.

It is chicken ****s like these that will sell our rights away. They listen to the gun grabbers and hold their pockets open because the soccer moms have more cash than the pro-gun groups. It is all about corporate sponsorship these days. With companies like Pepsi and Levis giving money to the antis, we are way out gunned.

He cant find a single reason why a law abiding person should not be allowed to carry a gun ANYWHERE! None of them can.Their entire arguement is based on their own irrational fears and BS "science". They use projectionism to illustrate the worst case senario. They cant trust themselves and their own emotional impulses, so how can anyone else be trusted? I dont know how many times I have heard a U of U student or some other panty waste pi$$ing down both legs liberal say "well if I had a gun I would be tempted to..." insert stupidity here, generally involving shooting someone for the most ridiculous reason. And when you start using facts to dispute their emotional crap, stand by for the name calling and defamation. I great tactic when you can only reason at the level of a 3rd grader.

I for one am glad as hell that htese people dont want guns. They are the type we cant trust with guns. But when the time comes and they need help, you can bet they will be beating down the door of a gun owner to get protection.

When that happens, feed them to the wolves out there. Let Darwinism run its course.

Shooter 973

New member
Dave Thomas?

Has anyone else thought that the Democrats in Utah are running as if they were Republicans? They all advertize that they are in favor of Pres. Bush on this idea or that Idea and that They will do what is best for Utah. They act like Pres. Bush is in favor of us electing more Democrats and that he supports them!!!What a bunch of PHONEYS!!! :mad: :barf: :mad: :barf: :confused: :rolleyes: :p :mad:


New member
Copyright 2002 The Deseret News Publishing Co.
The Deseret News (Salt Lake City, UT)

October 25, 2002, Friday


LENGTH: 489 words

HEADLINE: Thomas, Bishop afire over guns

BYLINE: By Jerry SpanglerDeseret News staff writer

Call it a case of political gunfire.

With less than two weeks to go to election day, Republican Rob Bishop and Democrat Dave Thomas -- both vying for the open 1st Congressional District -- are taking repeated shots at one another over guns.

Guns in schools, guns in churches, guns in courts. Guns, guns, guns. On Thursday, Thomas unveiled his Kids in Safe Schools initiative, calling on Congress to enact legislation that would ban guns from schools.

"It is time for Congress to act," he said. "We need to make sure schools are a gun-free environment."

The news conference comes on the heels of a television ad campaign pointing out that Thomas, like 84 percent of Utahns, is opposed to guns in schools, but that Bishop "thinks that's OK" and that "being too far right is wrong."

Bishop is irritated by Thomas' constant hammering over guns and the implication that he is somehow opposed to safe schools because he supports the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens with concealed-weapons permits to pack wherever and whenever.

"He (Thomas) is misfiring his bullets," Bishop said. "If the goal is to make children safe in schools, the concealed-weapon owners are the ones causing no problems whatsoever. He is firing at the innocent."

And for Thomas to suggest otherwise, he said, is "nothing but demagoguery."

Thomas has made a point of telling voters about his four-generation legacy of sport shooting and hunting and his belief in the Second Amendment. But common sense, he said, dictates that guns in schools is a volatile mix.

"I taught school for five years and never saw one instance where a gun would have helped a situation," he said. "But there were lots of times with tempers flaring where it would have been a disaster to have guns present. There is just no place in schools for guns."

Bishop, who does not own guns, is a fierce defender of Second Amendment rights, even working a time as the lobbyist for the Utah affiliate of the National Rifle Association. He calls it disingenuous to suggest that talking guns out of the hands of law-abiding adults who have passed law enforcement review will somehow make students safer.

Both candidates are taking a wait and see attitude toward recent proposals arising from the Washington, D.C., sniper shootings to create a comprehensive national ballistics registry that could identify weapons used in crimes.

Both say they want to be assured the technology really exists to accurately determine a specific bullet was fired from a specific gun.

So what happens if the technology proves accurate and viable? Thomas said he would support legislation that would create a ballistics database, even taking his own guns down to have them registered into the database.

As for Bishop, "I'm not going there until the first issue is resolved" regarding the technology. "I want to make sure the ballistic testing really works."


New member
Dave Thomas - another politician that makes me sick with his "I know what's best for you" attitude.

You guys keep him down there, eh? I don't want to even see him come my way for a visit!


New member
He isn't in my district either. I wish I could vote AGAINST him. FYI, this past week I heard a funny jab on channel 4 TV directed at Matheson. "He isn't a Republican, but he plays one on TV." Yeah, that's what I thought. Watch-Six


New member
Eric, nice use of a Rush quote in your letter, by the way... actually, it isn't a word for word quote, but close.

"When you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."

What I want to know is *** he has to say about guns in churches in schools anyway. CCW is a STATE issue and the laws are made by our outstanding (right now) STATE legislators. He is running for FEDERAL office. If he wants to run on any CCW platworm he entered the wrong race.

Typical Democrat statist thug wants the feds to control the states I guess.

