polishing gone too far, or did it.


New member
I was sitting around the other day thinking of things to do with my new toys,they were pretty beat up when i got them.So i decided to polish the slide down on my S&W 4006 and polish down the worn finish on my gen 2 g22.while doing so i decided to take my g22 one step further and take the horn off the front of the trigger guard,making it smoother and more round.


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New member
I like that "smoke" look that came out on the glock. If they were made that way I'd probably buy one. That S&W came out nice too, you could probably use it to see around corners.;)

Single Six

New member
...And here I thought I was the only one with a polishing fetish! On more than one occasion,I've grabbed a tube of Flitz,a rag,and some elbow grease,and then proceeded to turn a matte-stainless gun into a mirrored beauty. Nice job on your S & W,by the way. Flitz also works great for removing stubborn scorch marks from stainless revolver cylinder faces.
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New member
First i started with the 4006

i used 800 grit sandpaper then i turned to 1,000 grit sandpaper wrapped a small leatherman tool to keep sanding even.After that i used a dremmel tool with several polishing wheels to finish it.

On the Glock 22 i used 1,000 grit sandpaper to get the finish off,after that it was all dremmel tool with polishing wheels.

on the trigger guard horn i used a rough sanding drum then moved to a fine dremmel sanding stone then 1,000 grit sandpaper,after that i used a polishing wheel and my dremmel tool.It still needs a little work but i think it was worth it.Even took it to the range and shot 200 rounds through it with no ill effects.

Total glock project time was 6 hours,total S&W time 8 hours plit in 2 days.

Those look great. When I saw the thread title I thought it would be something bad but upon seeing pictures I really like how those turned out.

Shadi Khalil

New member
Did you polish the entire slide of the S&W or just the two sides?. I love the smoke effect you got on the glock. Well done, sir.


Active member
I like the way the Smith looks. But, not the Glock - doesn't all that polishing on a Glock hurt the rust-proof finish?


New member
just the sides on 4006 but i'm thinking of doing the top to

I'd leave the top alone if I were you. Glare from bright light could make aiming difficult if you polish the top (this is why nickel and polished guns still typically have a bead-blasted topstrap and also the reason S&W went away from stainless steel sights).


New member
I wouldnt worry bout the glare dabig.... I done the whole slide on both my 4006 and 4046.... dont have trouble with glare at all... shoot em all the time... a person would have to hold the weapon in just the right spot to have it glare enough to affect sighting ability... thats my findings anyway. Dont have any effect on me shooting with em:D

B. Lahey

New member
The Glock just looks like it has the worst holster-wear possible. You polished all the way through the rust preventative coating, but not evenly, it's all splotchy around the stampings. Best keep some oil on that or you will have splotchy rust instead of just a ruined finish.


New member
i bought a g19 recently that the previous owner did the same thing to the slide and took all the finish off it. for me that was not my taste, but the seller couldn't get anyone to buy it with the slide like that and I got it for greatly reduced price. the g19 is now at glock getting refinished and rebuilt (they only charged me $45 including return shipping, but wait time is 8-10 weeks).

on the S&W the polish job looks nice. what did you use? I normally polish my feed ramps, barrels and triggers with a dremel with the buffer wheel and bullet thing and the polish that comes in the kit. i have used some liquid metal polish from flitz in the past that worked great with q-tips chucked in a cordless drill.

good work on the S&W, and the dehorning of the glock. jury is still out on the slide of the glock, but that is just my taste.