Polished Blue, what oil dosn't "rainbow"


New member
I have several guns in my collection that are high polished blue. I have tried different kinds of oil (rem-oil, Ezox, Militec Wilson), and they all leave a rainbow effect ...kinda like oil in a parking lot when it rains. It there a type or brand of oil that I can put a thin film on and it will not turn colors and get streaky looking?


New member
You might try one of the silicon-based lubricants.

But, keep in mind that I don't use that. It's a suggestion. The only blued gun I have is a plinker, so I never learned the proper care and feeding of blue. My carry piece is HE finished, so I mainly just alcohol it occasionally to remove what I can only assume to be tiny particles of skin shaved from my butt (anybody else have that problem?).

Perhaps petroleum is necessary on a blued finish.


New member
I've been using regular CLP on both my blue guns and haven't seen the rainbow at all (even in the sun).


New member
Consider waxing them (I'm not kidding) with Renaissance Wax or Johnson's wax in the yellow tin. Do NOT use car wax or other wax with abrasives.

Another alternative is RIG grease applied with a bit of sheep's wool.


New member
There's a product called Clenzoil which won't show the rainbow effect, and another one called RIG.(not to be confused with the above mentioned RIG grease)
I've used both, and prefer the Clenzoil.

Be forewarned though, that they are for appearance only. They offer little in the way of protecting the finish.

I picked up the Clenzoil at a local show after talking to one of the guys that was a regular seller at most of the local shows. I asked him why his guns always looked so much better than everybody else's. He told me he wipes them down with Clenzoil to really bring out the best the finish has to offer.
99 out of 100 times, the guy sells out of everything he displays, and usually gets top dollar for his stuff.

Hammer It

New member
Rennisance is the ANSWER....

I FULLY agree with the responder above. I found this product called Rennisance and it is the BEST thing since sliced bread. here are some pics. of a Blued S&W that I have applied the pre-Lim to first which is a cleaner to remove all the micro rust not noticed, then added the wax to seal it.It also works as well on Nickel hand guns, They will NOT rust if treated with this. I also have provided a link to the product, and it is superios. Best regards, HammerIt.




New member
Believe it or not, an old timer got me hooked on using plain old mineral oil. The same stuff found down in the "I Can't Poop" section at Wal-mart with all the other laxatives. Works great for long term storage too.