Polish P-83 future spare parts?

Just bought this excellent, rugged gun with a really good DA pull (similar to EG Makarov).
It's my first Polish, and though only fifty rds. were used, seems just as reliable as my three Maks.

Are the chances pretty high that we won't import any more of these nice guns or spare parts?
Considering buying a second 83 (if already showing carry wear), even trading a seldom-used rifle if needed, but want to be a bit cautious.


New member
What are you going to break? I have had two of the 82's for several years and find they can be run hard without malfunction, they are afterall a military handgun. Oops thinking of the CZ 82-83, but the issue is the same as a pistol designed for the military and police they are relatively simple and not prone to breakage. My EG Makarov is built very well and will certainly last longer than i.
Thanks Ibmikey.
It's just that I'm still fairly new to handguns and want to exclude any problem factors in my east. Euro/Russian handgun splurge. Really stocking up for retirement and politicians' dreams of future import bans etc.

I just sold a really nice "uncarried" W. German PPK/S to have easy cash for the P-83, and the objective Always is to have a duplicate for any solid, reliable gun type.
Might even sell a good FR8 Spanish Mauser -another duplicate- at a loss via the "retail shop factor" to buy a second 83. But probably not for what they might want to pay.
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New member
I doubt anything will break. I have two. I carry one. That is how I dealt with it. They are solid pistols.


New member
If you shoot it so much that you wear out the barrel retire it with dignity. You will have more than gotten your money's worth out of it! I enjoy the hell out of mine and I can't imagine anything breaking in it.