Policeman in Trouble Part II

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New member
Keeping withe the topic previously posted here, discussing a scenario of a police officer in trouble, I offer the following.
There is a video posted on filecabi.net of an actual event where a female officer was in need of assistance badly. Fortunately for her, some good samaritans came to her rescue.
[link deleted by Capt Charlie]
This is sort of an adult natured site but not X rated. I have decided not to make the link above hot. If you want to view the video, copy and paste the link to your browser, you'll have to add the 'http://www' back into the address or it won't work.


New member
You haven't put forth any comments or ideas for further discussion. All you've done is post a URL to a taboo website.

What specifically do you want to discuss that wasn't beat to death in the now 94 posts of the (still open) "Police in trouble" thread?


New member
You haven't put forth any comments or ideas for further discussion. All you've done is post a URL to a taboo website.

The purpose of my post was to show the video. I thought those that took part in the previous discussion would find it interesting. I certainly did not think I would be pounced on for doing so.

Furthermore, I made it very clear that the site may contain some mildly objectionable content. I would consider it between PG-13 and R. That is why, in my best discretion, I chose to not make it a direct link, leaving it up to the TFL members to decide if they wanted to see it or not.
Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning or what?


New member
I think what Trip20 meant was why not just post that link in the already open thread instead of starting a new one. At least that's what i got from it. *shrug* No skin off my back either way lol.:D


New member
I find it interesting that the man had the presence of mind and knowledge to work the slide to either clear a jam or ensure there was a round in the tube. I guess it's probably a Texas thing ;)



New member
I certainly did not think I would be pounced on for doing so.

Let’s get real here. I'm questioning your motive, and pointing out your erroneous description of an X-rated website and I don't think I'm wrong in doing so:

This is sort of an adult natured site but not X rated.


...the site may contain some mildly objectionable content.

Sort of adult natured? Mildly objectionable? :rolleyes:
It's X-rated; you know it, so say it. Don't downplay the description of the website - it's a sure sign you knew there was a problem to begin with:

That is why, in my best discretion, I chose to not make it a direct link, leaving it up to the TFL members to decide if they wanted to see it or not.

Simply adding another step shows no discretion. Most kids can easily follow your directions, and most don't need your directions; they know their way around a keyboard.

You've left no decision to the thread-reader any more than if you'd hotlinked the video and left the reader to choose whether or not to click the link.

Should I feel comfortable pointing my nephew to this website as a firearms resource with that sort of junk floating around? Nope. I realize everyone’s opinion of “objectionable” material may vary, but porn is porn is porn, no matter how much you dress up its description or link to its source.

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
It's unfortunate that a good video is on a bad site. The site in question (I deleted the partial link, by the way) is one that has caused a number of threads to be closed. Even though I sometimes browse it myself (;) ), it just isn't appropriate here.

Tell ya what, 350; there are hundreds, maybe thousands of video sites out there, and videos like these are usually posted on multiple sites.

I'm closing this one, but if you can find the same video on a family friendly site, feel free to post it in a new thread, or in the original, your choice.
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