Police officers and video cameras.


New member
Why is that some police officers demand they not be video taped, and even threaten charges if the person with the camera does not comply?

Is this even legal?


New member
I guess this could vary state by state. Personally I think such a law would be ridiculous except for unique situations such as surveillance activities. I've been video taped a couple of times and it didn't bother me, my actions and words were appropriate as usual.
One problem I can see is when a video is edited to change the context of an encounter.
Dash-cams were a step in the right direction, now we need to figure out something for the cops on foot when they are away from their cars.

How about small audio/video recorders in their hats or on their shoulders? The technology is getting smaller by the minute...

It would help good cops cover their tails and prevent bad cops from pulling all the usual stunts. Sounds good to me. As for Joe Citizen with his camcorder, what's the big deal?

I am unaware of any of the multitude of police officers caught beating people needlessly on video ever being convicted of anything. Apparently juries are 100% willing to believe that cops caught whomping on folks must have been provoked by something not on the tape, even if that provocation happened minutes or hours before the incident on video and was no longer an issue.

I guess juries don't expect cops to control their emotions once a problem is under control. That's what the legal history of such incidents seems to show, anyway.