Police officer cleared in fatal shooting


New member
er... what did I do wrong?

Sorry, my link doesn't work.
Anyway the police officer in this article was shot by a guy he pulled over for drunk driving in Bozeman Mt. The guy shot the officer in the leg with a 357 revolver. The officer returned fire. After the officer emptied his gun once and knocked the guy down, the man fired again from the pavement. The officer reloaded his gun and emptied again, hitting the man a total of 12 times, out of 18 shots. The police officer was using a 9mm. It doesn't say where he shot the bad guy, or the capacity of his gun, but I'm figuring you'd have to be pretty tough to get shot all those times before you die.
How many shots does it take to stop a bad guy?


"He was a really great guy. He was no different than you or me."
Funny...I have never shot at an officer after leading a pursuit. I have never even been stopped for DUI. How is Mr. Shipp the same as me? :rolleyes:

What I can't believe is how many people sided with the BG on this one, especially when the tape shows clear cut self defense on the officer's part. I am just thankful that this officer is alive and able to return to work.


New member
Thanks for fixing my link Mal H. I am a product of the public skool system, and I still have trouble with these komputers.:D


New member
"Dave Bayne, a friend of Shipp's since second grade, said after the inquest that the man from Glasgow who'd help anyone in a pinch just didn't want to go back to jail. His next DUI would have been his fourth, a felony.

"Jeff was getting his life back together," Bayne said."

I don't know how a fourth DUI and shooting it out with the cops is "getting your life back together". This guys was a time bomb waiting to go off. Luckily he didn't kill anyone.

Long Path

New member
They say "jurors" like this thing actually went to trial...

SURELY they meant "grand jury"?!? Tell me that this one wasn't true-billed? While his aim could have been a little better, you don't see many shoots that are as good as this one.

I feel mighty bad for the officer, who was forced to defend himself after being hurt.


New member
Regardless of who saw the video. In today's hang em out to dry society, someone did and believed 12 hits wasn't excessive when they viewed it. Since shooting someone 12 times (or even once) ranks right down there with a do it yourself root canal on my want-to-do list, it's stories like this that I rely on to make a caliber/ammo choice. Right about now, that 10 round magazine in the CZ75b is looking pretty puny to me.


New member
Well I don't think 12 hits were excessive as the drunk was still fireing from the ground. The moment that drunk idiot pulled that weapon he knew what he was going to do. The moment he shot at the LEO his fate was sealed. This dope was willing to shoot a LEO because he was drunk driving, that says it all. I'm glad the LEO won, I'm sorry he was wounded, and if I was on that grand jury I would have let him go also, and I would have given him a medal.
A drunk with a gun, a cops worst nightmare.


New member
It appears that the jurrors were part of a Coroner's Inquest, not a Grand Jury. As I understand it, these are held sometimes to determine if the death in question was criminal. If it was determined that the death was criminal, it could then go to either a Grand Jury or a criminal trial.

I hope that the officer wasn't injured severely and can get on with his life without any serious problems. This officer did a good job and deserves our thanks!