Police Officer ADs Glock in School..Kid shot!

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Story is attached..Coming off the policeman who was shot by his kid the other day, one has to ask if the police are too complacent with their side arms.

Some news report has blamed the Glock..again calling it 'defective' and 'unsafe'. We have been through this issue over and over again but one has to ask why isn't this happening with the Beretta which is just as, if not more widely distributed, amongst LE agencies and departments and certainly the Army.

Does the 'manual of arms' really make a difference? If you remember the second Army handgun trial where the M11 (Sig P228) was selected, Glock did not submit a tender as they would have failed on the safety requirements put forward by the selection committee. :cool:



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Why is it always a GLOCK?!

AND you don't think that the fact that Officer Barney was a CopChick had anything to do with it, do you?

And What-the Hell is she doing passing around a Glock with one up the pipe, albeit without the "Clip?"

Yr. Obt. Svnt.


New member
If you go to the website that originally reported this story, it makes it clear that it wouldn't have made one whit of difference WHAT pistol she had been issued with, she was just a complete %&^*ing MORON for doing what she did. If nothing else, it shows that cops need one hell of a lot more firearms training, if they believe that taking the magazine out of a pistol unloads it and makes it safe to pass around a group of 4th graders. It wasn't until she got the pistol back (with a round up the spout) that she put the mag back in, and then she PULLED THE TRIGGER. What sort of clearance/safety drill did they teach this bimbo? I can't believe that someone who'd make these sort of "mistakes" would be safe with ANY sort of pistol in her holster.


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Check back in six months. My guess is after arbitration and grievances, she'll be permanently off the streets and at a desk job. Thank God. Now, on to the multi million dollar civil lawsuit....


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It was also posted on GlockTalk that the officer "claims" the Glock discharged after she dropped it. I don't know if it is true or not, but I wouldn't doubt it. Either way, she's toast when this hits the court system. At least the kid wasn't killed!!


New member
Again, the trigger was pulled, the gun went bang. That is what it is supposed to do.

A cop passes around a loaded gun with a round in the chamber, points the gun in an unsafe direction, pulls the trigger and somebody gets hurt.

This is the guns fault?!!

If your answer is yes, the Association of American Trial Lawyers would like to have a chat. You'll make a great plaintiff someday.

Please, turn in your guns before you hurt someone. :mad:


New member
You know, this is actually more a story about an incomptent cop, a pathetically uninformed school district and the liberal utopia of Philly. There is a reason why every parent who can afford to sends there kids to private school in the Philly area does so.

Also, the liberal bias and total lack of any understanding of firearms screams out from that article.

1. If you pull the trigger, its not an AD.

2. How do you "accidently" pull the trigger?

3. Guns don't fire because the magazine is inserted.

4. There should not be any concern about a police officer carrying a gun into school. Unless of course your officers are idiots!

5. While there are many fine Philly police officers, my experience with them shows many are less than professional. Many officers more resemble armed security guards than professional LE's. Again, not a blanket characterization but a candid statement about some officers.

6. Will somebody please explain to these ninnies the difference between a magazine and a clip!!


New member
Quoted from the article.....

Even if a clip, which contains the bullets, is removed, a round can remain in the chamber unless it is taken out separately.

Ahh yes, you can always tell when the news media pens an article about guns. After all this time they still can't even say magazine or cartridges! :mad:

Amazing though, the little kids had more gun-handling sense than the officer. At least none of them pulled the trigger!


New member
Once I heard about it, I just new that the excuses would start a'pourin. Pretty amazing how whenever there is any type of weapon tragedy, GLOCK is always mentioned....FIRST. Dropped and it went off? That's about as ridiculous as handling a loaded weapon in front of kids.

I better unload mine right now before it mysteriously goes off.

As far as Ms. Officer goes, desk duty would be out of the question as well. She could drop a pen, eventually causing someone to lose an eye. :rolleyes:

Semper Fi-


New member
Yes, good points but the issue is why are these things happening predominantly with the Glock holders and not with Beretta holders? I am sure Police dept . training are mostly similar.

So is the 'manual of arms' the issue?
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