Police don't know where shots came from


New member
Saturday, June 10

Police don't know where shots came from

Associated Press

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- A fan was shot and wounded in the stands at Kauffman Stadium during a Kansas City Royals-Pittsburgh Pirates game, officials said.

Moments later, a second shot struck another fan's chair in the upper deck.

Police said they don't know whether the shots came from inside or outside the stadium.

The fan, Virginia Olsthoorn, 64, of Haysville, Kan., was sitting in the lower level along the right-field line about 10 p.m. Friday when she was hit by a bullet that passed through part of her abdomen and hit her left elbow, said Royals spokesman Jim Lachimia.

The woman was able to walk to the stadium's first-aid station and was taken to Truman Medical Center. The woman was hospitalized overnight and released early Saturday, a hospital spokesman said.

Kansas City police spokesman Sgt. Floyd Mitchell said witnesses reported hearing a "pop" and then the woman was hit by the bullet.

Mitchell said a second shot was reported just after 10 p.m. A woman leaning forward in her upper deck seat also heard a loud pop. When she looked back, she saw a hole in her seat and a bullet on the ground behind her. She was uninjured.

Police initially believed the first shot came from a hillside outside the stadium, behind right and center field. But both shots are now under investigation to determine if they were fired from inside or outside the stadium, Mitchell said.

No arrests had been made Saturday.


New member
You're a mindreader.

I've been having a bad feeling that the next "stage" would be a national event, such as a ball game.

Predictions: The mass event will occur during the Winter Olympics. Thereby drawing massive international focus, and political pressure toward a forced action of disarmament.

I wonder whay somebody doesn't try that crap during the shooting competitions? 'Spose it's got someting to do with the density of firearms per cubic meter?

Best Regards,

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms;
History shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler
"Corrupt the young, get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, and destroy their rugged- ness.
Get control of all means of publicity, and thereby get the peoples' mind off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays, and other trivialities.
Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance."

Vladimir Ilich Lenin, former leader of USSR

Munro Williams

New member
It was probably some murderous idiot having a little happy fire, forgetting that what goes up must come down.

About 15 years ago a friend of mine was hit in the buttocks with a .22 short while he was taking a shower. Some moron aimlessly shot his piece and the bullet came in through the bathroom window and hit him in the behind.

Nothing new here except how the media will play it.

[This message has been edited by Munro Williams (edited June 12, 2000).]


New member
They interviewed her last night on the local news. The woman who was shot, and the one who was missed were in completely different sections of the stadium. lots of people heard the "pops" and swear they were very close, but stadium officials are "positive" that shots weren't fired "in" the stadium.

This just in: one (of 3 that were fired) of the bullets hit the back of the scoreboard in center field. This would indicate shots were fired from a hill behind the stadium or fired from the I-70 interstate.


[This message has been edited by scottMO (edited June 12, 2000).]


New member
The stadium sits right on the interstate. Across from it, last time I was there, were a motel, a vacant lot, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes headquarters.

Red Bull

New member
And of course the news has to play this up and give all the idiots out there some ideas.

They just love bathing in the blood.