Police Crack Down On Columbus Neighborhoods


Special duty police officers Thursday began patrolling the city's most crime-ridden areas for an extra eight hours a night

The program comes after Columbus had nine homicides in July
I suspect the ATF is there to assist with Drug Dealing Gun Toting Criminals. (happens here too). They charge the POS street urchin crack/meth dealers Federally when they pop them with dope and a gun. Nice way to get them off the street for a while.


Police respond to a July 12 shooting that killed one woman and wounded two teenagers.

Sir William

New member
It is a feel good measure. There will be more units seen on the mean streets. $28,000.00 a night seems expensive to me. It would seem to please some that there will be officers in prowl cars driving around in circles for a few nights. It would make more sense to place plainclothes officers on foot in the neighbourhood. The BATFE SAs are not a new innovation. They have been taking part in local LEA operations for years. The problem is that they are only able to charge suspects with firearms crimes or if tobacco bootlegging is involved. They are low key and take no active part. No JBTs involved. The money would be better spent on longterm projects and community inprovements. The code enforcement officers should be going after absentee landlords and seizing/razing unfit for human habitation properties. Habitat for Humanity houses could be built in a couple of blocks for $500,000.00. Broken windows.


Tax collectors "patrolling the streets"? I wonder what George Washington or Thomas Jefferson would have had to say about that idea.