Poking fun at MMM


New member
I've mostly finished MMM, Lies and Videotape, and was thinking about sending a copy to the MMM headquarters along with a letter suggesting they screen their 'coordinators' better in the future, as these folks were really pathetic.

Just feel like poking someone, OTOH.. it may help them? OTOOH, they probably can't clean up their act as they have no facts to work with so getting drones to spew their lies for them is their goal.

Augh, the quandary....

Should I include the video of John Lott to show them how a believable speaker doesn't need to read from a piece of paper?


New member
I should have posted this with a poll...

I was just getting the Addy for their HQ, and thought I'd browse around...strange.. either they don't update their website very much, or Kimberly Chapel was lying when she said she is the Cleveland area MMM coordinator...

The MMM website says it's Karen, just sent a web-mail to the Cleveland chapter, I've gotta know if this ninny was really a wanna be ninny???

Oh, wonder if the press would like to hear about that..hmm...