Poison? Where's the sport in that?


New member
Edited to add: It's funny. It's a joke. And yeah I hit the wrong button.

KSFreeman, like I said CB caps work for me 99.9% of the time. I hate it, though, when I have to go out in the morning and finish off a possum who's been, well, playing possum. And I've shot a raccoon right between the eyes, had him fall off the fence motionless and be gone the next morning. I'd use more .22 shorts if the noise wasn't a factor. A long barrel and an action that stays closed are good noise reducers.

It's great to have wife who hates the wee beasties who ruin the garden.

Regards to all.
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Futo Inu

New member
new thread instead of reply - tee hee - been there; done that. This goes with "humanely killing garden pests", I believe.

Steve Smith

New member
No one ever said killing pests and rodents was a sport. Live in a rural area like I do and you'll find out quickly there are a lot more important things to do with your time than plinking at rodents. Fun it is, but its also a grave misuse of time, at least for me. In addition, I have never viewed killing anything as a sport. I hunt for meat. I hunt because it is a natural act for a man. Hunting and killing for meat completes a circle of life that is missing in modern times. Man requres the killing and eating of flesh. I kill rodents because they bring disease and holes in my wife's flower beds. I don't kill things because it is fun. Killing for the sake of killing is cruel.
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Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
It's a sad commentary on our times when common sense predator control becomes a political issue, or is against some ordinance. Frustrating.

Back in the WW II era, my grandmother would buy Strychnine to use on possums and such around the hen house. It came in a small tube, much like toothpaste. She'd spread a little on a slice of bread and put it by the hen house at night, and pick it up in the early morning. Sort of a "Rough on rats" sandwich.

No paperwork needed, in those benighted, ignorant days...

Years later, the farm was encroached upon by a suburban residential subdivision. I told my across-the-fence neighbors that I liked my quail much better than I liked any housecat--and there was no appeals court available to any cat.

:), Art