point five O BMG reloading


New member
Okay, so I am curious about something: Can my Hornady LNL SS press reload .50 BMG? I am not curious about how efficient it may do it, but CAN it do it, without major modification or without breaking something?

I don't want to rethread the die threads or anything like that. Just pop in a die, and maybe with some technique and patience, get a BMG case to fit?


New member
The Lee Classic Cast can, because it comes with a threaded insert for all the normal, common dies and if you unscrew that insert, it will accept the .50 BMG sized dies. It also have enough clearance from top to bottom to pull off the job -- it was built with the idea that it could also do .50 BMG.

Sorry, I don't know about your Hornady LnL, but look to see if there is an insert-- if there is no hole that will accept a huge .50 BMG die, then your answer is right in front of you. ;)


New member
I dont think so, in fact i didnt know that the Lee Classic Turret could either, I always thought you needed to buy a specialized press


New member
No, the standard LNL press isn't threaded for the larger dies used for the 50 BMG. They make a press specifically for the 50 that comes with a bushing so that it can use regular dies as well.