Pocket Shotgun


New member
How practical is it for someone to CC this?
Everyone always says that if you are looking for stopping power get a shot gun, but this seems to be what you would be looking for if you wanted a good self defence weapon with great stopping power and can be carried by someone with not so great aim. so whats they deal is it more of a conversaion piece or a piece of crap?:cool:


New member
Most people who say you need a shotgun definitely don't have the .410 round in mind when making the statement- theyre thinking of a 12 or 20 gauge.
Personally i think its a piece of crap (but better than nothing at all)
Accuracy sucks, reload time is off the scale, and its not the safest to carry. I would put .45LC rounds in it rather than .410 shells.
.410's are for rabbitts and annoying birds


New member
As a general rule, any ad that includes the phrase "Be the first one on your block to own one" means that you will be the only one on your block to own one for a long time, and not because of high demand or limited availability. The only attribute I see in that gun is the barrel looks pretty heavy, which could be useful when throwing that hunk of garbage at someone.


New member
It all depends on whether yer doin' yer shootin' in a phone booth
OR you don't lock yer car, 'cause you can shoot that far!

Night Watch

New member
:rolleyes: My opinion? Damned impractical! Any CCW weapon needs to feel comfortable and fit your hand well. If your aim ain't so great get a semi-auto with an extra magazine. Practice and you'll be alright.
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New member
I would say that it would be very impractical. Taking the length of a .410 shell into account, you have any hardly barrel at all. A .410 slug can be very nasty, but not from a barrel that short, and any sort of shot is going to be much worse.

Just go get a Bulgarian Makarov instead, that is, unless you really need something that small.


New member
Better off spending the money for an AOW cut down .20 ga pump. Still get 2 or three round and real shotgun power in a package that's still accurate and manageable.

Seen those before. Won't be owning one until someone gives it to me.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
That's an old derringer pattern. I had a cap gun version of one when I was a kid. It had a plastic dagger that slid out of the middle also. I'm not near my reference books to come up with the real gun.


New member
I personally think that that is one of the most rediculous and idiotic ideas I've ever heard of. What is the point? It's basically a 40S&W with a 2rd capacity and really expensive and ineffective ammo that might work on a bird if you shot it from 5yds away.


New member
+1 on the shorty over the derringer.

Actually, I'd like to see someone make a short-stroke "shorty" shotgun that'd reliably digest those Aguila pint-sized shotgun shells. It'd be nearly perfect for anti-carjacking and home defense.

Dave R

New member
Speaking practically, the .410 payload probably won't hit any harder than the .45LC. And I'd rather have a P-3AT with 7 rounds of .380acp, than 2 rounds--make that one round--of .45LC. I say one round, because I doubt you could manually rotate the barrels fast enough for a useful follow-up shot.


New member
This is all great stuff, although i would never even consider carrying one myself it would be an interesting event to see one in action. they are largely impractical to carry or even use ase a trail gun for that matter, but mostly a piece that was made inorder to find a niche rather than create one. :cool:

chris in va

New member
I'm gonna ass-u-me the CC part was a joke...ha ha and all that.

More realistically though I did read some article about an individual dropping one and it going off. :eek: