Pocket Rocket?


New member
Considering it's summer, and I can't schlep around a full size 1911, I need something for everyday carry that's small enough for shorts and t-shirts. I used to carry an Iver Johnson TP-22, but in double action it has a 35 pound trigger pull and began to fire only when it felt loved. What's a good upgrade? And how should I carry it? It has to be:

Small....real small, like around six inches long, maybe four inches tall or under.

Larger than a pea-shooter, nothing under a .380

Inexpensive. I'm not investing in a German PPK for a carry gun.

Reliable. Glock-level reliable. Just smaller.

Manufactured in the US or Europe. I don't trust guns from China or South America. Or Canada.

I've been looking at the Kel-Tecs, and other than the fact that they come in baby blue, they seem OK. I also like the S&W 642, but I have some misgivings about a five-shot revolver.

If ANYONE says CZ, I'm going to throw up :)


New member
I assume you mean the MK or PM Series? Yeah...but they're about the same size / price as the Baby Glocks. I'd rather go for the Glock if that were the case....I'd take one of those Rohrbaugh's you mention in your signature, though...just as soon as I win the Mega Millions :)

Hey look, my 100th post!

Brian D.

New member
The smaller, polymer frame Kahrs strike me as being a good deal flatter and lighter than the "baby" Glocks;of course they hold less rounds. Eh, what do I know? Only time I carry anything smaller than a Colt Defender is as a second gun..

michael t

New member
Get a Bersa in 380 around $200 , best little pistol for the money you can get. Just ask any owner. Even if it is from S America. Works better than made in FL.


New member
You used to carry an unreliable 22 with a unreasonably heavy double action trigger and are worried about carrying a 5 shot 38 Special?? :)

I would go with one of the titanium or scandium ultra lightweight 38's myself. They weigh under 1 lb, as reliable as any other firearm and in a reasonable caliber. If you want a real rocket you can get them in 357 Magnum. If you're dead set against a revolver I'd look at Brians suggestion of a polymer framed Kahr. They seem to be some of the smallest, if not the smallest, defensive guns in reasonable calibers.


New member
You know they stopped using the term pocket rocket for a reason. Do a google search but make sure its not at work. ;)


New member
I think the Kahrs (the smallest ones like the PM9, MK9, etc.) are much smaller than the Baby Glocks. My favorites for small carry are the Kel-Tec (about the same size as a Glock 26/27, maybe a touch smaller), and my S&W 340sc (much smaller, much lighter, and though only 5 rounds, you can't argue with .357). I sometimes also carry a Glock 27, S&W 60, or Walther PPK.

Any .45

New member
Keep to the 1911's and go with a Para Ordnance Warthog, there very small light and easily carried, also it's a .45 acp; these are about the smallest .45 made and look at the plus side it's something you already carry and probably trust in mini me size, and you don't have to waste money on extra ammo. Please let us know what you decide :D



New member
Kel-Tec 380. I carry it in backup to my Colt Officers Model 45. Fine pocket pistol that almost anybody can conceal.



Moderator Emeritus
In Summer, I carry a Model 442... ...as a backup to a 5" 1911, just like in Autumn, Winter, and Spring.

I don't want to have to figure where I'm supposed to reach to draw my carry piece by looking at a calendar.

"If this is Tuesday, I must be carrying the Luger."


New member
I don't want to have to figure where I'm supposed to reach to draw my carry piece by looking at a calendar

Ha! True, true, but I'd look pretty silly walking around the streets of Manhattan in shorts, a T-shirt, sandals, and a Colt .45 sticking out of my waistband. The 1911 is easy to carry in the winter, what with the heavier coat and all, but is just a bit cumbersome while dressed in less. However I agree 100% that one's carry gun should be in the same place day after day, and retain similar controls, so combining your advice with Any .45's advice, I'll be taking a look at the Para Warthog. Thanks!

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
In Summer, I carry a Model 442... ...as a backup to a 5" 1911, just like in Autumn, Winter, and Spring.

Ya know, Tams, if you had said anoher 1911 instead of the 442 I'd be figurin' that we had been separated at birth. ;)



New member
Seecamp, hands down.

Reliable, very well-made, not too heavy but has a good heft to it, and all around a fantastic gun.

Kel-tecs are popular too, though I read far more complaints about those things.

Do a search and learn for yourself and I think you'll end up with a Seecamp. :) I did!

Chip Dixon

New member
You don't need a new gun, you need a new holster. I can walk around in shorts, a button down patterned (i.e. hawaiian..) shirt, (and sandals) with my full size springfield 1911a1 without getting a second look. I have a Max-Con V holster, made by Gary Brommeland. It is comparable to a Milt Sparks Watch Six. If you don't have one of those 2 holsters in your collection yet, you owe yourself to get one. They're like a VM-2 without the reinforced mouth, to make it even flatter. Carry strong side on your hip, right behind the right hip bone, and the gun will disapear... with flush fit 7rd mags.

Get a spare mag carrier for your left hip to offset the weight, and a fat (i.e. 1 1/2 inch) gunbelt and you'll be set. The 1911 is truly a great deep concealment piece, due to its flat profile. (largely in part to its single stack mags) With the right holster, barrel length doesn't affect concealability -- as it is the butt of the gun that you have to worry about printing. That's why you have to stick with flush mags.

Has anyone here actually owned and carried a Para Warthog?
A double stack .45 seems like it would print too much, and with a 3"
barrel reliability would be a concern to me. I've never had any problem concealing the business end of my 5" 1911, so why make that end shorter?
IMO, a 5", single stack 1911 is an ideal carry piece -- with the right leather.


New member
Considering it's summer, and I can't schlep around a full size 1911
Why not?
Ha! True, true, but I'd look pretty silly walking around the streets of Manhattan in shorts, a T-shirt, sandals, and a Colt .45 sticking out of my waistband.
That's probably true. I just don't know why you want to walk around with a Colt .45 sticking out of your waistband. Don't you carry concealed?

I'm going to guess that a lot of folks in this forum are casual concealed carriers and don't carry full time. I can't see what impact the seasons have on concealed carry unless you want to change your winter ammo for something with a summer tread.

There seems to be a general acceptance that all hope of concealment is gone if you can't wear several layers of clothing and large, loose, untucked workshirts to hide your firearms. It seems that you are unfairly limiting yourselves by recognizing only one method of concealment and that lacks common sense. Shouldn't we be constantly learning and adapting our methods to allow us to carry everywhere and blend in with the unknowing sheeple?

Folks, it is hot down here and stays hot and humid, summer and winter. That, however, is irrlelevant as I carry full time, year round. I go to work every day with my shirts neatly tucked in and my Springfield nicely concealed in a tuckable holster. Note that I said "shirts" and not "shirts, jackets, extra shirts and raincoats". I normally wear hiking shorts and short sleeved shirts at work but will wear jeans on a real cold winters day. I carry at work, I carry at Church, I carry when shopping, out for dinner or going to meetings and events. Most of the time its my 3.5 inch Springfield but sometimes it's my full sized Kimber but I am armed full time.

Now, once more; why can't I carry a concealed gun because it's summer?

Any .45

New member
I mentioned my post up top for the reason that he asked for something small, maybe Fyrestarter doesn't wear the same atire you do and knows why he wants, what he's asking for, Nemisis is correct to the fact that a full size 1911 is concealable, I live in Miami,Fl and carry everywhere I go, except for the kids schools, But I carry a 4 inch para ordnance S13-45 recently aquired, now to say i use to carry a Kimber Custom II and I definetly recognize the diffrence in feel, The S13 is lighter less bulkier and hides a bit better, as far as a questions of a 3 inch 1911 being reliable, I don't think that fyrestarter is going to shoot competition so a 3 inch barrel is just fine for self defense. Also I know three Dade county police officers that carry these as backup and as CCW when off duty ,they love it, I've shot it and have been persuaded to buying one, soon :) .