Pocket holsters compatible w/ Kahr CW9 w/ CT ?


New member
Thanks for responding.

I did go to DeSantis website but did not find any mention of it, nor have I found it on Midway or other...however, Midway does have one for the P3AT and LCP...


I will likely have to wait until Monday to give DeSantis a call to find out more. Uncle Mike's pocket holster #4 might work-will give them a call too on Monday and will post thereafter.

Input from others appreciated.


New member
I had a PM9 with LG, and ordered a Nemesis for it. I had an older PM9 Nemesis, because the pistol didn't originally have the LG; I added that myself. Having the two holsters side by side, the one for the LG has noticeably more space.

However, a friend bought the gun and holsters from me, and I am not sure where you can order a new one.


New member
Thanks for the further info.

One might think such a Nemesis would still be available, inasmuch as I should think that more Laserguards are selling, and the price makes them attractive.

FYI, I just ordered the LG-437 for $179.00 from Midway (too bad that I did not know about the $50.00 rebate-seems it expired 7/11).
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New member
That photo looks like the bigger of the two holsters, IE the one you want.

The CW9 and the PM9 have very similar dimensions; the CW9 is just a little bit blockier looking, with a couple edges that aren't as rounded/beveled.


New member
DeSantis reply to inquiry about Nemesis

Received this morning:

An email reply from 'Sales' at DeSantis to my inquiry about a Nemesis that will be compatible with a Kahr CW9 with Crimson Trace Laserguard (LG-437):

"We do not make any holsters to accommodate that weapon with crimson trace and we do not have a pre-existing size in the nemesis that will fit that weapon with crimson trace attached. We will add your request to the suggestions list.

Well...I guess I'll find out soon enough once I receive the one from that seller on ebay.


New member
Did you ask them about a PM9 LG holster, or a CW9? (I realize you have the CW9, but the holster isn't exactly snugly form-fitted; in other words, the PM9 holster should work... although the CW9 is 0.6" longer than the PM9... I guess it might be too long, but it seems to me the Nemesis had extra room.)

I know I ordered and owned a PM9 LG Nemesis holster.

I think the CW9 should fit in that.

Apparently DeSantis doesn't make a CW9 LG holster.


New member
I asked them about a CW9 holster.

If you check out that ebay link as contained in #6 post above, you will see that the package mentions your former gun, a PM9, and a PM40, as I recall. However, in the body of the ebay listing the seller states it is compatible with my CW9 as well, so it's likely the information you had given me will work out.

The bottom line is that DeSantis has not officially designated a Nemesis for the CW9 with LG-437 yet, and, no, I did not mention the PM9 and the salesperson at DeSantis did not mention the pre-existing one for the PM9, though he/she did state that no pre-existing Nemesis would be suitable for my CW9 with the Laserguard.

I hope they are mistaken. If not, I will return the item to the ebay seller, as he has excellent feedback and a good return policy.

IOW, it should all come out in the wash, and I will report back when I have the LG and the Nemesis in hand-it might be helpful for others to know.


New member
Hello, MLeake-

Okay, I received the CT LG-437 and installed it on my Kahr CW9. I also received the DeSantis Nemesis as depicted in the link in post #6, above.

The model number of the Nemesis for Kahr PM9/PM40/P9 w/LG-437 is : N38BJU2Z0. It is important.

Now, this is what I have to add to the prior posts:

This Nemesis model number is dedicated to the PM9/PM40/P9 and it doesn't mention the other Kahr models at all.

I had contacted DeSantis and their reply was posted above: no dedicated Nemesis for the CW9 w/LG and no pre-existing Nemesis is compatible for the CW9 with LG.

Though this model number is not dedicated to the CW9 w/LG-437, I must say it is not perfect for it, but is more than adequate. 100% of the trigger guard is not covered but the gun recesses enough so that the entire trigger is covered-no doubt about that. I am keeping it and there's a way to break it in by placing the unloaded weapon in a dress sock in the holster and letting it sit overnight to make more room.

So, I have no quarrel with the ebay seller and left him positive feedback. I will keep this Nemesis dedicated for the PM9/PM40/P9 w/LG for use with my CW9 w/LG, and be a happy camper.

I will post a photo of the Nemesis that fits a regular CW9 and the model # above for the Kahr PM's w/CT LG. I will photograph the latter with the CW9 in it so people can see the fit. The latter's opening sleeve pocket is certainly wider than the former Nemesis to accomodate the LG-437.

The information you gave me was certainly correct. Thank you.
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New member
Nemesis for the regular CW9 is on the left. It does not fit the CW9 with LG-437.

Nemesis for the PM9/PM40/P9 with CT LG-437 is on the right, but it contains my depicted Kahr CW9 with CT LG-437 adequately (trigger is about an inch to the right).


This next and final photo shows the exposed trigger, so the fit with the Nemesis on the right, above, adequately protects the trigger from exposure. I am reasonably confident that after break-in it will all but cover the trigger guard as well.

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New member
Brent, my concern with that rig is whether the gun draws reliably from the holster, when you have it pushed in as required to cover the trigger. The Nemesis is pretty good at grabbing pocket fabric, and letting the gun come out, when the gun fits normally. Protruding through like that... I'd make sure to test it with each pair of pants you might use.

It's possible you may want to add some two-sided tape or some other gripping agent to the outside of the holster.

But it's also possible it will work as is. Please, for your own sake, test it thoroughly.

I'd just hate for you to be surprised if the holster draws out with the gun, and slows you down for the instant it takes to pull the holster loose. (I'd also hate the opportunity that would give you to sweep your off-hand with the muzzle while clearing the holster, in a duress scenario.)


New member
Yes, thank you for your concerns, especially the last one.

I've had Nemesis before and some times, depending on the gun, design of one's pocket, etc., it all comes out.

So, I'm training myself to cover the outside of my pocket with my offhand while simultaneously pulling the weapon out by the handle and then bringing both hands together to assume the isosceles stance. There is a concern, though, that one might start shooting prematurely and knock off one's finger or worse. ;)

It might be safer and quicker to initially present one-handed in that instance, but I'm no expert, and not in a higher-risk occupation, e.g., cabdriver, jewelry store owner, cops, divorce attorneys, etc., so I'm not going to worry about it that much.
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