pocket gun


New member
Seecamp, LCP, Kahr PM/MK series, Kel-tec P32/P3AT (I condsider the PF9/P11 too big for pocket carry), Rohrbaugh, J-frame

I'm sure there's more, just can't think of any right now.


New member
A whole new world of "pocket" J-frames has opened up. Aluminum, Titanium, Scandium. .22,.38 Spec, 32 mag., and if you dare (I don't:D) there's-- gulp-- 357 Mag.:cool:
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New member
Lot's of latitude for something being a pocket gun, but my personal definition precludes ANY pistol heavier than (at the most) 14 ounces, and preferably no more than 12 ounces if I can help it.

Using a weight definition of "pocket gun" is the most practical because anything that light or lighter is going to be, by default, small enough to easily slip into a pocket.

And pistols heavier than 14 ounces, even if small enough, are going to drag you pants down on that side and make you look like you are carrying something "significant" in that pocket.
So using a size definition for a pocket gun is fine if you want to see if a gun with "fit" in a pocket, but it's the weight definition of 14 oz. (max) that is a much more real-world and practical way to choose a pocket gun.

Now, a Compact Glock 19 works great as a "pocket gun" for the boys in the hood, because that actually helps them achieve the look they go for with their pants hanging halfway down their buttcrack. ;)


New member
I think Hoytinak nailed the spirit of the pocket gun. I know of guys who carry the mini Glocks in a pocket, but to me that is not a pocket gun.

I'd shoot my Beretta Bobcat 21a. That thing is more accurate than a gun that size should be.


New member
North American Arms makes a bunch of pocket guns too. My .380 is 21 oz. but I still pocket carry it. It's the only holster I have for it. If I'm dressed to conceal an IWB holster I would carry something larger anyway.


New member

MicroEagle .380 :)


New member
Back in the day, I once used my P7M8 as a pocket gun -- spent the day pulling up my pants -- I've learned weight & compactness are key -- currently use my 442 :cool: