Pocket Carry With a Twist


New member
So about 3 weeks ago I was really hating my Desantis Clip Grip while shooting at the range. It is pretty much the same thing as the Barami Hip Grip which I also have, for those who dont know the grips have a little clip on the side for holsterless carry. I also hate IWB holsters as I have yet to find one that rides the gun low enough to my liking. So it hit me, sew some sort of pocket inside my pants to carry the gun. So I cut out the back pocket of an old pair of jeans and sewed it in to where I normally would carry IWB at about 4-5 o'clock position. It's worked out so good that im convinced this is the way ill carry for as long as im alive. It's also the most concealable method of carry in my opinion, there's absolutely no printing of any kind even with a white t-shirt and its more comfortable than an IWB holster.

Edit: By the way the gun is a S&W 640.



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New member
Wow! I like the concept a lot! But I can't sew...and my wife doesn't do "domestic".

I don't really sew either. It's not the prettiest stitch job I have ever seen, it def helped that I matched the color thread to the jeans. But ill tell you that sucker is on there good and hasn't come loose at all even with the gun pulling down on it all day and going through the wash multiple times. I just put on a couple episodes of the wire and sew away.

For anyone who is thinking about doing the same thing make sure you have a thimble to push the needle through the jeans material. The first pocket I did I ended up using a beer cap because I couldn't find one.


New member
But ill tell you that sucker is on there good and hasn't come loose at all even with the gun pulling down on it all day and going through the wash multiple times.

Hopefully you didn't forget to take the gun out first ;) Seriously though, I love stuff like this. Have a problem, take it upon yourself to work out a solution. I tried the little clip-things too on my P32 and PF9 but didn't like them much. Anyway.....:cool:


New member
This illustrates exactly what Fairbairn was talking about when he described an individual who had worked out some unusual carry method. Someone always has to be the first to do something. I think this is a good idea.

In a few older books there is often mention of carry methods, nearly always for hideaway or backup guns, that today would be considered bazarre, impracticable, unworkable, and certainly forgotten. There were hosters and carry positions down your coat sleeve, up your coat sleeve, down your pants leg (just imagine how your drew the gun!) and even attached to the suspender buttons on your pants. I still wear suspenders for heavy pants but I haven't tried that one yet.


New member
I'm gonna have my GF sew the outline of my LCP into my jeans pocket so it will stay straight.

I was actually thinking about doing the same thing but I like the option of shifting the gun forward a bit when I'm driving. Also once my belt is tightened and since the grips are rubber the gun pretty much stays snug all day.

Have you tried the Clipdraw? That doesn't seem like it would ever get in the way in normal shooting.

I always thought about it but I feel like the metal clip would scratch up the frame. I am a stickler for keeping my guns as pristine as possible so when I scratch them up its the end of the world. Also I read that it does not seat the gun as low as some like.
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New member
I have several pairs of pants that I have had similar done with. Though mine is on the left side. I bought a couple of pairs of jeans from a Salvation Army thrift store on a Sat Bag Sale Day. Fill a shopping bag for $5. I just grabbed a few pirs of jeans. I then cut them to the size of the pouch I wanted. I used shoe goo glue to get them where I wanted, then paid to have them sewn in at a cleaners. I think it was $5 per pair. I can conceal my G26 or P-64 in them with ease.

Since then my GF moved in and she is a sew aholic. When I get a new pair of jeans she sews the pouch in.:D Note with a good belt the gun prety much becomse invisible. Oh I also forgot to mention I put an extra layer on the inside of the jeans to help break up the outline, and prevent the Skoal ring occourance.


New member
Great idea! Everyone has their likes and dislikes as far as carry and it's obvious that you solved your needs with what works best for you - that's what it's all about! Thanks for sharing the photos and your solution . . . I'm sure you shouted "Eureka" when the thought came to you!

A person has to do what works best for them and their carry weapon . . . I think you came up with a brilliant solution! :)


New member
Necessity is the mother of all invention. It's one of those "why didn't I think of it" simple inventions. I would like to see the outside of the pants, in order to see if it stands out (or looks strange) while being worn.

I would half-heartedly joke (because people would probably buy them) that with some slight refinements to the design, you could introduce a new product line or sell it the concept to an existing company.

What middle-aged man with an NRA life-membership would want a pair of "Levi's .380 Relaxed-Tact(ical) Dungarees?" You could make them really baggy with the pocket in the front and corner the hip-hop market too. Perhaps Russel Simmons Gat' (instead of Phat) Farm collection. Can you say early retirement plan? :)


New member
Oughta get it patented before Levi's spots it and makes a million ... seriously, you should offer it to some of the companies which make tactical gear, bet they'd sell a zillion ... I'd be first in line ...


New member
I would like to see the outside of the pants, in order to see if it stands out (or looks strange) while being worn.

I'll try to get a picture up when I get a chance but I can guarantee you even the most seasoned CCW holder would not be able to spot it. There is no printing what so ever and the seam of the pocket is flush with the waist of the pants so nothing except a bit of the grip sticks out which is covered by a shirt. Also I matched the color of the thread to the jeans, so you cannot see the stitching either. It's really no different than sticking the gun in your waistband, only the pocket prevents it from falling down your pant leg and moving around so much.

Oughta get it patented before Levi's spots it and makes a million ... seriously, you should offer it to some of the companies which make tactical gear, bet they'd sell a zillion ... I'd be first in line ...

The thought crossed my mind but if I ever decided to patent it I would need to spend some time and money coming up with a finished design as well as all the fees associated with the patent. If I still wasn't paying back college loans it wouldn't be all that bad of an idea but I don't have the extra cash to jump into this endeavor. Also I am not even sure if I could patent it, I have bought gym and cargo shorts before with hidden pockets inside, also in the NRA magazine they sell vests and cargo pants with hidden pockets inside to stash guns so I am not the first person to think of something along these lines. I know some members on here make and sell holsters, wouldn't be a bad idea to start selling various size pockets to be sewn into pants. I'm just happy I found a way to carry discretely and comfortably all day long. I live in a state where very few carry, so the sight of a gun or even printing is sure to cause a panic in most places.
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44 Deerslayer

New member
Slick! I carry a 640 too, in my front pocket. Your idea is a really good one. I think I'll give it a try! I'll just have to borrow my wife's sewing machine.


New member
Neat idea. The downsize is that you'd have to do it to every pair of pants you own plus, unless the pocket is nice and tight around the gun, it can still shift and fall out.

Not putting your idea down but a good holster can be transferred to any pair of pants and can go anywhere on the belt. Your also limited on what can go in there size wise. If it works for you though, more power to ya! It does leave your actual pockets free.;)