Pocket carry for PPK--Please comment!


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Greetings all,

I am investigating front pocket carry for the Walther PPK. For various reasons this is the smallest adequately powerful semi-auto available to me (I love the Seecamp, but want to go bigger than .32 if possible).

To the point: I would appreciate input, pro or con, from anybody who has experience pocket carrying the PPK (or very similar semi-autos in terms of size and weight), or anybody who has useful information to contribute, whether first-hand or not. The thread is pretty much wide open in this regard.

I’ve searched around and found some good material on this topic, but many threads deal with pocket guns as an entire category, and the PPK might see mention only two or three times. I’m trying to winnow information about this model in particular.

I am especially interested in hearing about front pocket wallet-type holsters for this gun. This is because I have found that, even with small guns such as the PPK and J-frames, the grip of the firearm still protrudes from the curvature of one’s leg (particularly in a sitting position, when the cloth is drawn tighter across it) making a noticeable interruption in the normal contour there. The only solution I can think of is to have one of those wallet-type holsters (like the Aker holster whose advertisements accompany new Seecamps), where the outline of the piece is totally effaced by the square of material in front of it. The “wallet” outline presented by the holster will be a rather large one to hide the PPK, but still reasonable, I think. A few offerings that incorporate this feature:




Does anybody have one of these, or know someone who does? Does it work for you?

Kramer’s pocket holsters have a piece of material to fake a wallet, but it does not cover the whole gun, leaving the grip exposed—I have tried them and was not confident about the concealment.

Not trying to answer my own questions, here; just throwing out bits of info that I’ve run across.

Again, please contribute anything you can about all aspects of pocket carry for the PPK. Pictures of daily carry setups would be a real treat if you can manage them.

Thanks very much.
To me, the PPK is to big for pocket carry. It is large and it is heavy.

If you want the .380acp round in a smaller pckage look at the NAA Guardian 380...or for even smaller, the Seecamp LWS380.




New member
Thanks, but if I could........I would.

Can't get either of those here in MA or they would definitely be serious contenders. That is why I said

For various reasons this is the smallest adequately powerful semi-auto available to me...

Incidentally, I have tried the PPK in the front pocket and for me it is not too much weight, and far slimmer than a J-frame. I'm just looking for what people think about holsters and such, and for their observations in general.
It is a little slimmer than a J-frame but heavier.

If you want to carry it in a pocket just get a good, stablizing pocket holster and give it a go. I do not think you will ever be able to carry any gun this size in a front pocket and have it not be visible while sitting.

One of the full wallet holsters like the Guru one you pictured (I have that one for my Seecamp) can make it look like you have something big and square in your front pocket but it will still be very visible. The stablizer ones with the wings are not good for making the gun less evident. they leave to much gun exposed and make a distinctive print when sitting down.


New member
I've tried it with a ppk/s. I have a Don Hume pocket holster that worked pretty well. However, the ppk/s is too heavy for pocket carry in most clothing.

The ppk is a bit better, but the stainless version is still pretty heavy. However, the blued version is quite a bit lighter. That's something to consider.

It can be done. The clothing has to be right, and the holster as well. The Don Hume pocket holster still looked like a gun. I understand that Desantis has something called a Nemesis that makes it look like a wallet in the pocket. Otherwise, a rag seems to help break the outline.

It will take some experimentation, but it's doable.

David the Gnome

New member
I'd go with this one:


Wear it in your back pocket, keep the molded side towards your body and the flat panel facing outwards. It will look just like a wallet. ;)


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I carried a PPK, mostly in front pocket, for 20+ years. Never a problem with a good holster. I used a Rybka and love it. I still have that gun and shoot it occasionally, but seldom carry it. There are better options. Two examples would be a Kahr MK9 or PM9. Another, which I own, is a KT P11. Lighter than the PPK and a 9mm instead of a .380. Oh - and 11 rounds (I always use original capacity mags) instead of 7.

If you insist on a .380, the German PPKs (Not PPK/S) are fine. The PPK does have some oddities, but so does anything else.


New member
They are heavy for their power, and they bite!!! Before you buy one, hold it normally then pull back the slide... That said, I think they are nice looking, and wouldn't mind it if S&W made a blued .32acp version with their extended beavertail.
They are heavy for their power, and they bite!!!
Ugh!!! How long is it going to be before people realize that the things they think they know are not always accurate. The modern PPK and PPK/S does not have a slide bite issue. The older interarms ones are the ones that had that problem.

michael t

New member
I pocket carried mine for years. In a Don Hume pocket holster. People don't pay attention to whats in your pocket.
The PPK/S is a nice pocket pistol.. I still carry now and then (2 or 3 times a mo)


New member
Thanks to everyone for responding.

There are better options. Two examples would be a Kahr MK9 or PM9. Another, which I own, is a KT P11. Lighter than the PPK and a 9mm instead of a .380. Oh - and 11 rounds (I always use original capacity mags) instead of 7.

Yes, I'm aware of all the better options out there. There's just one little problem--I can't buy any of them in this state. Yes, that's right; no Kahrs (except for older K-series), no NAA, no Keltec, no Seecamp .380 (we can get the CA edition .32), no Rohrbaugh, no new Glocks, the list goes on. Rest assured, the PPK wouldn't be anywhere near the top of the list if I lived in a free state :mad:. I would drop $1000 on a Rohrbaugh in the blink of an eye and live happily ever after. What a thing to have the money and still not be able to purchase quality products manufactured by a legitimate American industry. Boy, it burns me, I better not get going here.

I actually feel fortunate even to be able to get just the models that are legal here. Massachusetts gunners are lucky that handguns weren't banned outright--the abuse of power that led to our current situation could have been carried even further.

They are heavy for their power, and they bite!!! Before you buy one, hold it normally then pull back the slide...

I actually already have the PPK (new S&W manufacture), just haven't pocket carried it before. Even though my hands are medium-large, there have been no bite problems.

Once again, I appreciate your all taking the time to respond. If anybody else has something to say, don't be shy :).
no Seecamp .380 (we can get the CA edition .32)
Why didn't you say so. Get the Seecamp LWS32. The ballistics of the .32acp re so similar to the .380acp that it is not funny. They just make a smaller whole. The penetration is very close and with the LWS32 you can hide it anywhere and can get of a whole mag of shots fast and accurately. :)


New member
pocket carry PPK

I have a German made, 1968 pre-ban PPK .380 (9mm kurz) that I use when I pocket carry. It rides comfortably in a pocketholsters.com (the one David the Gnome shows). I use in my front pocket as I think from the right angle you can see the grip peaking out of the right rear (wallet) pocket. No one has asked, but if they do I'll plead diabetic or bee sting kit (except to an LEO of course).



New member
Why didn't you say so. Get the Seecamp LWS32.

I have, and love, the Seecamp .32. It has been my pocket carry for quite a while now. And, while it carries like a dream, I have to say that the Seecamp's .32 ACP round gives me the cold shakes.

Several of your past posts indicate that you have reasonable confidence in the .32's ability to perform adequately in a defensive capacity. Because the variables of such situations are so many, I can't even begin to speculate on this. But by virtually any standards, the .32 is a peashooter. On top of this, the Seecamp's tiny size (including the short barrel that does little to milk velocity from the already anemic ammunition) throws nightmarish handling characteristics into the mix, making it difficult to quickly and accurately deliver what little punch is available. Maybe you find differently.

Though I am anything but a power junkie (no .44 magnums for me :)), I try never to go with a smaller round than necessary. If it is possible to switch to the .380 in a somewhat larger, longer-barreled gun that handles better, I certainly will.

As for your assertion that

The ballistics of the .32acp are so similar to the .380acp that it is not funny. They just make a smaller hole. The penetration is very close...

Maybe so. Perhaps that is what your research and experience have taught you. In my case--however large or small the difference between these two rounds--what I have seen and read, as well as my own informal testing, indicates that there is indeed a difference. And it so happens that, in the case of semi-auto rounds, my line between "no confidence" and "grudging acceptance" is drawn between the .32 and the .380.

For what it is worth, here are Speer's Gold Dot figures, which I'm sure you've already examined:

.32 ACP, 60 grains.............................960 fps Test barrel = 4 in.
.380 ACP, 90 grains............................990 fps Test barrel = 3.75 in.

A 50 percent in increase in bullet weight, and a (somewhat) higher velocity, especially considering the PPK's 3.35" barrel vs. the Seecamp's 2".

Remington's 102 gr. Golden Saber, another load that has always interested me, is slower at 940 fps from a 4" TB. But I like that weight, and I've had good luck with Golden Sabers in other calibers.

Hotter loads are available from Corbon and Double Tap, I think. Anyway....

I have a German made, 1968 pre-ban PPK .380 (9mm kurz) that I use when I pocket carry. It rides comfortably in a pocketholsters.com (the one David the Gnome shows). I use in my front pocket as I think from the right angle you can see the grip peaking out of the right rear (wallet) pocket. No one has asked, but if they do I'll plead diabetic or bee sting kit (except to an LEO of course).

Thank you, SouthCentral. It is good to hear from someone who has actually carried the combo I was interested in. By the way, why do you mention "pleading diabetic" or claiming it's a bee sting kit? Do you think the "wallet" rectangle is too large to pass?

This is a good read. It is a very simple description that matches up with pretty much every other test I have ever seen. It is just presented in a very clear manner.


Even though you already have the ultimate pocket gun. I can understand wanting something else too. Who can be happy with just one toy? :)
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pocket carry

I carry my Bersa CC thunder .380 (similar to a PPK) in my pocket. Wear pants/shorts with deep pockets, use some kind of pocket holster (the safety hurts when it rubs) and use a belt to keep your pants up. Throw a spare magazine in your off hand pocket and you are good to go.


New member
I carry my PPK/S in a cheap Uncle Mike's #2 pocket holster.

Nobodies gonna see it, so why spend $50??

It covers the trigger and does not snag, so what's not to like??