Pocket Carry 1911??


New member
I am in the process of getting a small 3" 1911 (Colt Defender Size)... Does anyone ever pocket carry one? If so what holster do you use? I wear 5.11 pants and shorts often.. anyone carry in them?

Thank you in advance..


michael t

New member
Have carried my Defender a couple times . Haven't tried my Agent. With the
look at me I carry a gun 5.11 pants should work fine.:D


New member

Pics of these guns in the pockets would show how well they hide. Even very small guns are noticable.


New member
tegemu - Ultra w/Pocket Holster

Hi, can you post some pictures of that gun with the holster.




New member
Wildman and former New Orleans cop who ran a LEO supply store favored that weapon and method of carry.

He had some type of quality leather pocket holster.

It worked well for him, but he was a very experienced operator. Not for the minimally trained would be my position. He also practiced presentations and administration of the weapon daily.


New member
Not exactly, but close!

I ran a thread about pocket carrying my glock.
Although it's not a 1911, close in size, so perhaps a pic of it in holster and pants might apply here:

The glock grip has been cut down to a g26 size. about 4 inches. but even with the original glock 19 it will barely fit. I can wear this method anywhere and nobody can tell. For all they know, I just have a pocket planner in my pocket.

Holster is home made and hold the glock comfortable vertically and can draw fast. By pulling the glock out towards the back of the pocket, the turned up edge of the flat part catches and stays in the pocket.

I'm sure a setup with any of the smaller 1911 platforms would work just as well.
I wear carharts 95% of the time, because I keep things in all the same pockets, but any good work pants work just as good, as long as the fabric is thick and holds shape good.


New member
Now that the weather is turning cold, I've carried mine in my Carhart jacket front pocket. It's a heavy enough material that it doesn't conform to the gun's lines. It bulges, but there's no "gun" look to it. Could be a pair of gloves or phone or anything. It's quite handy when I'm not wearing a full belt/holster getup.