PMC's Brenneke 12 ga 1 oz slugs - anything definitive (yet) ?


Member In Memoriam
Did The Search - here, at TFL, PMC's sites, Brenneke's sites, et :barf: ;) ... have yet to see anything (really) that places Brenneke's & PMC's together except that a PMC ref which states that "the original Brenneke nose cone design" affords (yada) penetration, etc. & unmatched accuracy ....

Anybody actually shot these in anything & have any reports as to accuracy?

I'm well aware that to properly evaluate 'em, I must shoot them in my own shotguns, etc. (yada :barf: .... ;) )

... just curious as to any others' experience. & yes, Please, PMC's Brennekes only & that of the 1 oz. (listed at 1600 fps)

A bit unusual, or not, I've several 12 gauge 870s & some are limited to the 2-3/4 flavor. I'd just as soon stick with one slug that works "best" in them all.

No doubt that these would be a "hurtful load," ... merely curious as to any real life experiences with this (yes, PMC's) loading.

Thank you all.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Labgrade,it took ten years and a lot of bench testing to find a particular slug that grouped best in my TWO slug shooters. Second choices in each group OK, this was a combination of hard work and serendipity. Finding a universal slug for a number of shotguns is going to be a tough job.

No experience with the PMCs, but....

On deer sized game,and a bit beyond, there's no ineffective slugs. Extremely large wound channels and short blood trails are the Brenneke slug signature.

A Rottweil Brenneke fired at close range went in a yearling's R shoulder, traversed the entire body cavity, breaking off part of the shoulder bone and a rib or two, and impacted the L femur. 2 feet plus of penetration.

Effect on broadside shots is two or three ribs broken on either side,a short blood trail Ray Charles could follow.Other slugs do this too, but on a lesser note. Mr Brenneke designed a great projectile.

In your shoes,I'd designate one shotgun as a slug shooter and find the best slug, then see how it does in your other shotguns. Buy some 5 packs, bench test, determine the slug of choice,then buyamessa than one. Slug testing is onerous, but not all that expensive.....


New member
I've run a handful of sleeves through my BPS and they shot fine. Free hand I could do about 8 inches at 75 yards with the assistance of some clamp on fiber optic sights. The only difference I noticed between the PMC and the KO's is that the PMC took more force to eject. It wasn't a whole lot harder but if I was going to use them for self defense instead of hunting I'd switch to another brand. I also checked the hulls and no signs of them being over presure were found.



Member In Memoriam
Thanks, guys. Found some at a local gun store for $1.99/5 pack, bought 3 packs & figured I'd run 'em on through.

One of the 2-3/4 870s has the 18/20"(?) iron sighted bbl & an extension tube on it. It's the only one I really care what shoots best.

Doubtful I'll ever use it to hunt with, etc. & past 50 yards is quiet the stretch for "self defense." ;)

Willletcha y'all know what comes of it all. Expecting 20 degrees here next coupla days so I think I'll go bunny huntin' instead of sitting at a cold bench.