pm40 are there any happy owners?


New member
i have one on the way but didnt do any research before buying it. now that im reading through threads i see that there are a ton of problems with them. i had a pm9 several years ago that never missed a beat and i should have just kept it. just looking for some satisfied 40 owners here.


New member
Picked up a new Kahr CW40 a few days ago. Had a minor issue with it but after clearing it all up I put 100 flawless rounds through the gun and I am very happy with it.

I'm sure the PM40 is just as good.


New member
No problems with mine. I shoot nothing but carry ammo out of it, and it runs great. The only downside is that recoil is a bit on the stiff side and the muzzle flip can be atrocious. I found a Hogue Handall Jr slip-on grip helped considerably, though.


New member
I went with the mk40 no problems yeah, 40 cal can be a bit harsh. The only plastic compact pistol that seems to handle the 40 S&W was my walther pps accurate too!


New member
I bought one of the first to come out Kahr PM40 pistols and did a side by side comparison with my Glock 27.

Smaller and lighter than the Glock 27, easier to carry in the front pocket in a pocket holster, more accurate and believe it or not I thought felt recoil was less. However I would recommend the Glock 27 to everyone and I would not recommend the Kahr PM40 to anyone.

I put 1500 rounds of various 40 caliber ammo through it, Sportsman's Warehouse sent it back to Kahr THREE TIMES and it still does not work. Never charged me a dime and excellent customer service from Sportsmans Warehouse I highly recommend them for good prices on new guns. Excellent customer service from Kahr but when I hear about how excellent customer service is from a gun company I always think that just indicates problems with their guns. MOSTLY FAILURE TO RETURN TO BATTERY ALMOST EVERY MAGAZINE, ALSO FAILURE TO FEED, FAILURE TO EJECT, THE MAGAZINES FELL APART, THE PLASTIC FOLLOWERS BROKE OR THE BACK OF THE METAL MAGAZINE TORE OUT, ONE MAGAZINE WOULD ONLY HOLD ONE ROUND LESS THAN THE OTHERS SO I TOOK IT APART THEY HAD INSTALLED TWO MAGAZINE FOLLOWERS IN THE MAGAZINE ONE ON TOP OF THE OTHER. IT SEEMS LIKE KAHR IS A HIT AND MISS PROPOSITION I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THEM ALTHOUGH SOME PEOPLE SEEM TO HAVE NO PROBLEMS AT ALL.


New member
I pick mine up on the 21st and plan on cleaning as if I had just finished putting a couple hundred rounds through it, and then buffing at least the feed ramp before I take it to the range. I also bought Wolf 18 & 21lb recoil springs since I read so many posts about recoil and the quality of the early PM9 and 40 springs. I am really anxious to get to the range so I can at least form my own opinion of the "break in" and reliability of this little monster.


New member
I like mine. It did need the 250rd break in and a little ramp work under warranty but it's been 100% ever since.


New member
i get mine on the 21st as well. the build date on it is around nov 2007, can i expect this later build date to have the updated follower and recoil spring that the very early builds did not have?