

New member
That reddish color is due to insufficient heat during the bluing process OR the metal being extremely hard. Old nickel steel Winchesters are famous for turning red after a while. It happens naturally as the bluing ages, but it won't happen to all Rugers or even on all areas of one piece of metal. I have seen receivers that looked like someone had spilled purple dye on them, real splotchy.


New member
Is it a form of oxidation?

I'm looking for a Ruger #1 and I thought I could go with a new one and accelerate the pluming chemically. I guess I need to find an older one or just take the black/blue on a new one. Thanks for the response Scorch.


New member
Some years ago I put together a CVA flintlock kit. I finished the barrel in brown by heating it then wiping a sulfuric acid solution on the hot metal. I would cool the barrel, then use 0000 steel wool. After 3-4 applications I had a nice brown finish. Still looks great.


New member
In the case of an already blued gun, there's nothing you can do to make it turn purple or brown that won't ruin the finish.

As above, purple parts are a function of the bluing process being slightly off, and are actually a factory defect, since the idea is to have a BLUE/BLACK color.
True, the steel used can have an effect, but this is a non-issue in Ruger's since they very closely control the steels used, and they don't use metals that give "off" colors.

Brown colors are a function of an OLD gun that's been handled, worn, and simply used for many years.
The blue finish oxidizes and wears to a brownish color.

You can REFINISH a gun with the old black powder type browned finish, but this is not as easily done on a revolver as it is on a straight rifle barrel.

Uberti and Cimarron are now offering guns artificially "weathered" to look like old, well-used guns but this is more the look of a gun which has a thin finish, exposing silver metal under it.
Refinish, yes, convert the color, NO.

I know of no way to turn blued steel purple or brown without ruining the finish, and making an ugly mess of it.

Refinish to another color...yes. ALTER the color to another color....NO.