Please Tell of your Experience with the KEL Tec P3AT (the .380)


New member
I am thinking of buying a KEL TEC .380. I have heard mixed reviews. It seems that the 2nd generation is prefered. Why is this so? What brands and type of ammo does your gun like? Are there other things about the gun I need to know? I thank you for your input. :D


New member
After I bought mine new I had feeding problems with FMJ (but not hollow points). I did the 'Fluff and Buff' procedure listed on the mouseguns website (using just #400 sandpaper). After that, I've had not one problem with FMJ or hollowpoints. For carrying I've used Golden Sabers and Gold Dots. On the range I shoot two-handed and can go through about 100 rounds before my trigger finger gets sore from the guard hitting it. The gun is accurate enough (with my shooting) to put almost all shots into a six-inch target area at 21 feet, which I consider the maximum self-defense distance. The gun carries easily in any front pants pocket I've tried.

I consider it a real little gem of a handgun.


BTW, mine's a 2nd generation
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New member

The "what is the difference" question is probably best posted on the KTOG website or KTRange. the ones I can think of are...the top of the slide is flat on the 2nd gen, the sights, if you can call them that are smaller, and the extractor is bigger. I think there is one less part also in front under the barrel by the recoil spring too.

My 2nd generation P3AT is only a few months old. I got it only had it 3 days, disassembled and cleaned/lubed and put 80 rounds thru it....then the slide seized. I had failure to eject and failure to feed problem with every magazine. I did the fluff and buff with 600grit sandpaper after 50 rounds, even polished the feed ramp and chamber with a Dremel. But afer putting another 30 rounds thru, the slide problem surfaced. So, it went back to Kel-Tec, they replaced the barrel and slide, did the F&B themselves, and test fired with ammo I specified. I got the gun back in less than three weeks, customer service was great and the gun has been 100% since it's return. At the range I used Remington, Wolf or Independant FMJ with no problems. I've tested and carry Federal Hydro-Shocks though. Hydro-Shocks are the ammo I asked Kel-Tec to test the gun with and they claim they did and performed whatever repairs necesary to make sure they'll feed properly and work when they have to.
If you get a 2nd generation and have any problems, Kel-Tec does a great job of getting things corrected. There is alot of info out there for P3AT owners and there is a gunsmith, I think he's in Texas, named Fuselier that does wonders with Kel-Tecs, including some cool plating.

Dave R

New member
I'm not up on the whole 1st generation, 2nd generation thing, except I've read that the 2nd generations are more reliable.'s my experience.

I bought a used P-32. It had probably been fluffed & buffed by the previous owner. It was reliable, except for 2 cases of rimlock (.32acp cases are semi-rimmed, and the rims can lock if the rounds are much shorter than the P-31 mags).

So I traded the .32 in on a .380. Brand new in box. 2nd Generation. First time I tried it, I was impressed with the accuracy. That could be because I had 'learned' the trigger on the P-32, and was used to it. I ran about 200 rounds through it before I had my first failure-to-feed. I was trying different ammo, and tried the Russian "Silver Bear." It did not like that, either in FMJ or JHP configuration.

Since I went back to brass-cased ammo, I think I've had 2 more failures to feed, both times at the end of extended shooting sessions when the gun was pretty dirty. I don't recall a jam when it is clean.

A few range trips ago, I started getting spent brass on the forehead. So I e-mailed Kel-Tek, and they sent me a new ejector, that solved the problem. By hindsight, the brass-in-forehead could have been me limpwristing. Who knows?

Anyway, its back to boring reliability now. I carry it everywhere I can't carry my PT-145.

ETA--I carry Speer Gold Dots in it.


New member
Had one, after the first 50 rds. at the range, the trigger completely gave out. I field stripped it, and couldn't see anything broken, but I could pull the trigger all the way back to the grip and it wouldn't break. Traded it in to my dealer who said he would send it in if he couldn't fix it, and bought a CZ 83. Much better gun.


New member
Kel Tec P3AT


My wife and I just bought one the past weekend. We fired about 50 rounds through ours with 1 FTE, due, I think, to my wife's grip. We used Walmart Value pack.380s. The recoil was very manageable, not at all unpleasant. My fingers are very large and did not fit easily into the trigger guard, but the overall grip and fit was acceptable. I had expected a less than pleasant trigger pull, but aside from being a little long, it was pleasantly light. We had to shoot with the nub front sight raised all the way to the top of the rear sight to get on target. We were initially about 6 to 8 inches low at 7 to 10 yards. I believe I'll touch up the front sight with some day glow red for contrast. I wish I had ordered another magazine, but that will be rectified at the next gun show.

Overall, I think I'll enjoy shooting and carrying it.

Be Well,
