PLEASE, No Sitting on the Fence

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New member
One of my biggest concerns is that so many gun owners treasure their liberty but do little or nothing to preserve it. I have argued with gun owners who did not vote. Can you believe this? 2008, 1 of the most important elections in history & I knew 3 gun owners I could not get to vote.

Our liberties are under assault every day, especially Right to Bear Arms. If Right to Bear Arms is lost, other liberties are not far behind.

Please, stay informed on issues & candidates. Do not skip voting, even when candidates are less than ideal.

Write letters to the editor of your local paper, defending the 2A. Respond to & refute letters by others which attack gun ownership. Refute any editorials the paper writes.

Call, fax, email, visit your elected officials. Make sure they hear from you regarding any legislation, good or bad. Tell them what you support and why. Ask why they voted for or against something. Hold their feet to the fire.

Attend symposiums on violence or other events in your communities. Many people there will be against us. They usually know nothing about guns or gun owners. Meet people, be a diplomat, speak against gun control as a crime solution.

Encourage non shooting friends & relatives to take up the sport. Have people over to try out your weapons & learn to shoot. Take a kid hunting. Especially reach out to people of other races & nationalities who may not seek out shooting on their own. Gun owners have tended to be rather secluded in hunting clubs, country clubs, etc. Many people in the US now are immigrants from countries where Right to Bear Arms is a foreign concept. Only police & military have guns where they come from. Minorities from inner city have mostly seen guns as carried by street gangs. They may not have known anyone who hunts or shoots targets. Show them what a great sport it can be.

This one is hard, but try not to get too irritated with people at work or other places who hate guns. Again, they may not have ever known better. Befriend such people if you can. They will be surprised that you are a gun owner and a civilized person. You may change a few hearts & minds. I have managed to soften up a few people over the years. It is worth doing.

Please do all you can to support our national & state level organizations, and local ones if your community has them. Our opponents have worked overtime for years. We cannot afford to rest or let up.

Armatissimi e Liberissimi
Most armed, most free


New member
I won't debate politics with somone who did not vote and is elgible. Their opinion is totally irrelevant. They don't vote. Who cares what they think. Why would you care?


New member
We can't let them rest, we need to keep pushing back, or when they gain ground, it will be extremely hard for us to get it back.


I won't debate politics with somone who did not vote and is elgible. Their opinion is totally irrelevant. They don't vote. Who cares what they think. Why would you care?

"Destroy your enemies by making friends of them."


New member
Daggit, I can't not do it. While I may "run out of gas" with an individual, I can't refrain from challenging his not voting. I may eventually have to move on to keep up the fight with others. I can't let it be said I did not try my best.


New member
Wrote letters to all my representatives, will write more in time. I am glad that here in New York state, both my assemblyman and state senator voted against Cuomo's gun bill. I've written Boehner and Harry Reid, will have to write and call them both too.

I read an article saying as of late, calls to Reid's office are 2-1 against Obama's proposed bill. Call and write as the numbers do count. Call in particular as calls cannot be ignored as e-mails can, which can be deleted. Contacting does work if the numbers are large enough. In California for example, there was an effort to ban the "bullet button" device on AR-15s in that state. The effort failed due to resistance from California gun rights people (now the same guy is apparently attempting it again from what I've read---he will have a better chance this time as the legislature is now totally controlled by Democrats).

Contact the following:

(regarding state-level gun control)

Your state legislators
The leaders of your state legislative bodies (regardless of their party)
The leaders of your state Republican party

(regarding federal level gun control)

Your Congressman
Your senators
The leaders of the national Republican party (Speaker of the House John Boehner, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, etc...)
The leaders of the national legislature (Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker of the House John Boehner, heck even hit up Nancy Pelosi just for numbers purposes!)

And BE PROFESSIONAL. Don't write with a bunch of typos and don't sound like a nut or anything, be professional and courteous.


New member
I send a pre- written letter to my congressmen. senators, representatives, Biden, and Obama every single day and I will keep on doing it. What really yanks my chain is people that admitted to throwing their vote away by voting for someone who they new had no chance to win. Then get on the forums and whine and complain about the outcome. They just don't get it that they didn't actually cast a vote against the winner. In my book, that's the same as not voting at all. JMO


New member
I voted for obama 2x. He is also knows full well how I feel about the second amendment. I write and call my congressmen at least weekly to let them know how I feel about a number of issues.

The ones that make me angry are the ones who say well they are not after my hunting rifle so its all good.

Obama does not care about gun legislation. He is being pressured into this action by the current tragic events. He is not going to push hard for this. He has things he would rather do with his presidency. He will make a soft push on this to get something he really wants.


New member
Jason; I concur. I see the gun control push originating with local govenments, fanned by gun control "groups" and a few individual folks, gasoline added to the fire by broken hearted individuals post-crisis.....then shoved down the throats of politicians who started their day with other priorities. I too voted Obama, and always felt comfortable in his leaving guns alone...and he did. While he has brought up gun control pre-recent history, it was all lip service.

I agree with what most are doing....write local reps. I wrote mine as well.


New member
I don't how anyone could have voted for Obama thinking he would leave gun rights alone. Of course he left them alone in his first term, as his first term partially involved running for a second term. With the second term, he has no further re-election to worry about. And he is a committed ideologue.

I also would have to disagree that he is not going to push hard for this. His administration is already planning a state-by-state effort to try to convince legislators to support his gun control agenda.


New member
Sorry Logic, but given the choices in this political election, the choice was extremely, positively clear to me on who to vote for. The other guy was not exactly a fan of 2A either if I remember correctly...feel free to correct me on that if I'm mistaken.

This gun control push is pure political reaction, and would not be happening if not for recent events IMO.

MODs, I apologize In advance for the political stops there.
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