Please help the sport of shooting! (And do it before 2:00 PM EST Sunday, August 4th)


New member
There's a time sensitive opportunity to get a LOT of free international publicity that will cast the sport of shooting in a very positive light. New Zealand is having a national campaign promoting its atheletes from varioius sports. One of the sports is shooting. If a shooter (and we've picked Sean McCabe) wins, his (and our) sport will be spotlighted there (and throughout the world to a lesser degree) very positively!

There's a related thread to this here, but your help is needed!

Here's how you can help.

First copy the message that follows these instructions into your Clipboard by highlighting it down to the end and pressing [Ctrl]+[c].

Open a new browser instance, and logon to TFL. Click the "Members" button at the top of any page. Click "Top 25 Posters" to sort them descending by the most frequent posters. There are about 615 pages. Don't pick the top few pages, but pick a page number down from the top a ways.

Do the following 5 at a time: Press [Shift], then click on the first poster's name on the list. At the bottom left of center of the Profile page, click the link to "Add to Buddies List." Close the popup window with the Profile on it. Repeat for the next 4 names on the list in the "main" browser. Do it again for the 5th name, but don't close the window.

On the 5th one's Profile page on the "Contact xxx" row, click the "Send xxx a Private Message" link. On the page that comes up, click the "Private Messages" button on the right of the button bar. At the bottom of the page that comes up, click the "pm to buddies" button.

Select the 5 Buddies, then click the "Compose Message" button.

On the screen that follows, simply press [Ctrl]+[v] to paste the message in. Type a title like "Please help the sport of shooting!" in the subject line. Then send it!

Click the "Edit Buddy List" button, then delete the 5 names you previously added.

Close the popup window, then repeat the process from the start for the remaining names on the Members List page.

Please post a message to this thread saying which page number you've sent PMs to so other TFLers won't end up wasting their efforts by duplicating YOUR efforts! Thanks!

Here's a sample PM to send fellow TFLers:

You can make a difference in getting the sport of shooting better accepted. Just go to and click the "Vote" button at the bottom right hand corner of the page. To read more about what this is all about go to this thread:

Why Sean McCabe? He's the best shot we've got.

Why do we care? If a shooter wins, there will be a lot of national publicity in NZ and elsewhere promoting shooting!

Is there a connection with McCabe? No. He's just the best horse in the race for us.

Does anybody at TFL gain anything from this? No, it's strictly an effort to promote shooting as a sport.

Please send this same PM message to ANY and EVERY TFL member you know of. All you need is their screen name. Click the PM button at the bottom of any post, put the screen name in and a subject.

You can vote once per day, and the contest ends at 2:00 PM EST on Sunday, August 4th. Please do it now!

Again, the link is:

Chuck Dye

New member

No longer conflicted, hey? What turned you around?

Everyone else:

A chain letter is a chain letter, please do not include me in your victim list.


New member

Check out the original post linked above.

If you don't want to participate, don't, and that's not a problem! :D

As somebody else said earlier, this is a chance to twist the tails of the gun grabbers.

Their agenda is to twist the hearts and minds of people against freedom itself by lying and clever disinformation about guns when the real problem is that the other side of their agenda is to push society into a victim mentality. "You don't need guns to defend yourselves. The state will defend you, and feed you, and take care of you." The state won't and can't.


New member
Posting a link and message for people to follow and vote for this guy is one thing, but spamming TFL members PM boxes is another. :rolleyes:


New member
That's true. Spam is unwanted junk mail you haven't shown any prior interest in receiving.

However, it does seem as though TFL members have shown an interest in the sport of shooting.... :D

If this effort isn't "appropriate" for TFL or in a lesser vein as Rich's "TFL is soliciting donations" thread, then a moderator or administrator will shut it down before it dies a natural death in 3 days.

If you don't want to participate, don't. :D

Steve Smith

New member
Page 7. Gen Discussion

I'm doing page 7, GD forum.

I got THROUGH Twoblink, but I'll try to finish that page up tonight from home.


New member
Since most TFLers read the general forum wouldn't just posting the link here have the same affect? And we don't have to spam each other to do it. If you had posted this as your story:

You can make a difference in getting the sport of shooting better accepted. Just go to and click the "Vote" button at the bottom right hand corner of the page. To read more about what this is all about go to this thread:

Otherwise you get the same affect me and my friends used to get when we sent links to slashdot stories to each other, all of us have it as a home page so we keep filling mailboxes with what we have already read. Now we have a rule, no stories from slashdot, TFL, or a couple other pages get forwarded because chances are we have already seen it.

I have voted, so please don't fill my message box with useless junk. This is like going to your local nespaper and posting an ad in the classifieds urging people to read the front page.

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
I think it may help out cause.

'Course we could just float the original thread back to the top with a simple "he's ahead" or similar post.


New member
I dunno.

Just because people don't participate in chain mail, does this mean they're apathetic?

I make it widely known to all of my friends and associates, that if you forward me a chain letter or an "e-petition", it will die at my inbox.

I just don't do this kinda thing; but people can do other things though.


New member
Just because people don't participate in chain mail, does this mean they're apathetic?
No. The apathy is shown by not investing a few clicks to go to the NZ site and maybe make a difference to something they're supposedly in favor of, i.e., favorable publicity for the sport of shooting.

Chain mail is awful. So is spam. I would've preferred a better way, but I don't know of one.... :(