Please help me find a book

I'm a big fan of Gary Slider's web site, but there are times when I'd like a more concise comparison between/among certain states. There is a book out (more of a high-quality magazine, really) that I've seen ads for but, now that I want to buy it, I can't find it. IIRC it's called something like Traveler's Guide to Concealed Carry or something like that. It has a white cover with artwork that I don't recall. I thought I had seen an ad for it recently in Firearms News, but I've just gone through a few back issues and I don't see it.

If anyone knows the publication and has a link to it, please post it or send me a PM.

[Edit] Never mind -- I found it. Thanks.
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New member
I hope it works out for you, AB. I bought a similar book a couple of years ago, but quickly realized that it was out of date after a short time. Laws are changing constantly, and Gary and Steve at have to work to stay on top of the changes.

I don't travel a tremendous amount, but I always look at before the trip.
That book is upddated annually -- which I realize isn't enough, since each states laws and legislatures operate differently, and new laws don't always go into effect on the same date across the country.

I'm not looking to plan a trip -- I'm looking to evaluate and compare overall gun "climate" so I can try to figure out where to relocate so I can escape the anti-gun, nanny state place where I currently live. I'm hoping the book will help me to more quickly come up with a list of five or ten top contenders, which I will then further investigate.