Please help me decide....


New member
.... between a Glock 17 and a Cz-75b. I live in Maryland. Next year, a handgun must have an internal lock in order to be sold here, so both of these guns will be gone. I know glock is suppose to have internal locks at some point, but my local shop says that glock is fed up with Maryland's gun laws and that they make enough sales elsewhere that they may just dump Maryland (he's angry about this because he's an authorized dealer and sells lots for them). I was planning on getting both of these fine weapons, but recent financial difficulties must limit my choice to one. So it's one or the other (until I move out of this Liberal fiasco). I have saved up enought to afford the Glock, and I know that the CZ is cheaper. I plan on using this particular gun as a regular shooting range gun and hopefully in some local idpa. Let me say here, I have shot both and both guns have positive features and shot well for me. My main concern is that the gun holds up well after alot of shooting (aka have a long service life) and that it's easy to get it fixed when and if it should fail. Both seem to sell themselves on these 2 points, but are there any opinions on which is actually better and which might better suit my needs? Thanks in advance....


New member
I shoot the CZs better, they seem to acquire the target faster, and point more naturally FOR ME.
A lot of people seem to share this belief.
I really can't say anything bad about the glock, it just isn't comfortable FOR ME.
What I'm getting at is, while I believe that CZs are more comfortable, point better, and are more accurate, this is often subjective, and is a combination of how well gun and shooter fit together.
Find a way to try them both at the same time.
Shoot at 7- 10 yards at 6 or more targets. (I use paper plates.)
See how fast you can put one hole in each of the targets.
Then shoot a group at 25 yards with both.
If both guns keep their 25 yard groups on the center part of a paper plate, go with the one that shoots faster for you, and feels more comfortable.


New member
I think that I shoot them both equally well, I just can't decide:(. I guess it's going to boil down to which is better suited to idpa. I know that the only con for the CZ is that the mags don't drop free. Any other suggestions (please)?


New member
The Glock is a great gun and I really liked trying one out. However, I personally chose a CZ after shooting both. I liked the fit in my hand and feel of the CZ better and shot it straighter. It seems, everyone has a Glock and I never fail to have someone ask, "Hey what's that?" at the range. Of course this is not important for a real comparison...

Breaking it down:
Economics: a no-brainer: CZ 75 + hi cap = $339. Glock 17 + hi cap = +$600. That difference translates to a lot of ammo (or gasoline, groceries, flowers for the wife when she's po'ed because you're going to shoot once again...)

Recoil: The Glock doesn't feel as harsh perhaps due to the polymer frame absorbing the shock. The CZ with plastic grips seems to transmit more recoil. The recoil with 9 mm is miniscule anyway and this is not important. I plan to get rubber grips for my CZ asap.

Flip: The Glock has much worse muzzle flip than the heavier all steel CZ. I can keep the sights on target much better.

Value: Over the life of the gun, the Glock will hold it's value. The CZ is pretty much depreciated out when you buy it.

Reliability: Glock by far. Also, CZ only has a 5 year versus Glock's lifetime warranty. (This might be one of the reasons everyone seems to have one at the range!)

All that being said, I agree you need to find a rental range, shoot both guns some more and maybe add a Walther and Beretta.

Pick the one you like best. They all shoot well to me, just all different.


New member
I owned a glock 27 and 23 and now have a CZ75. Tough call, I like all of them. For a range gun and comp I'd pick the cz. I always shot the glock well tho and loved the trigger. If you plan on using it for carry the g23 or 9 equivalent will probably fit the bill.


New member
i like the looks and feel of the cz75 but after last week me buying my g17 i love it but then i like glocks too for reliability id go with glock to any day but thats just my opinion:D