Please Help me add to my shopping list.


New member
Now and then I am bitten by a bug or infected with a heretofore unidentified
virus which makes me crave new pistols. It's like a shoe fetish for guys, only
less costly.

Up to very recently, I've only owned 1911s. But now, I have a CZ and a
S&W 686 as well as a 1911. I guess I wised up. It is a little silly to have
a slavish devotion to one platform or one ammunition caliber.

Please, I'm not trying to start a fight. My two other threads were spirited
discussions and everyone remained polite. But some took offense. So, I'm
being more careful with my tone.

My shopping list currently is the following:

1) HK USP in 40 (or possibly HK45)
2) Sig 226 in 40
3) Glock 17

Do Berettas compare to this holy trinity of thoroughly modern firearms? I
just want to know your opinions. I know that Berettas are fine pistols, but
have they kept up with HKs, Sigs and Glocks since the 1980s?

I don't own any of these pistols (yet). So, I don't have a dog in this fight.
I would like your honest opinions.

If my tone still bothers you, let me know, and I will make amends.




New member
I love my Beretta 92FS and it certainly has a place in a serious collection due to it's performance, reliability and design.

The Beretta PX4 is also worth considering... being a polymer gun that captures a lot of the unique aspects and rotating barrel design of the Cougar.
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New member
I have all of the above and I've gone to the HK P2K as my go to CCW. You just can't hurt an HK.

Single action trigger pull is an important consideration for me. Is the
single action trigger pull smooth? How does the trigger break? Is there any

How are the ergonomics of your HK P2000? Does it fit your hand? How does
the HK point?

How natural is the operation of the safety/decocker? How easy is it to
engage/disengage the safety with your strong hand thumb?

thanks in advance for your help



New member
Hk 45 or the Hk P30 you won't be disappointed

Do you prefer HK45 and HK P30 to the USP? If so, what features of HK45 and
HK P30 are better as compared to the USP?




New member
The HK45 & P30 are MUCH more comfortable in my hands. I can't stand USPs. They just don't feel right to me. The P30 is one of the best fitting pistols I've ever handled.


New member
You should learn the JOY of carrying a G19 in a M-tac holster...



New member
I think you should also be considering an XD through my experience. Accurate and dependable.

Springfield does not sell spare parts for the XD? Is that right? But, the
lifetime warranty sounds tempting.

XD is more or less an improved Glock, is that correct? (thumb safeties on some
models, grip safety and better chamber support), not that Glock needed
improving ;)


New member
I'd say that there's probably 3 times as many aftermarket parts available for the XD...Largely because it has about 3 times the parts count as a Glock.

Is the parts count really that important?


All I know is that 30-something parts in a Glock Vs. 90-something parts in an XD influenced my decision...


New member
umm... You should count again. There's something like 10-15 more parts in an XD vs. Glocks. The loaded chamber indicator, cocked indicator, & grip safety account for the majority of them and they're all parts that have 0 influence over the gun working or simply aren't problematic (i.e. in 2 years on xdtalk & 4 XDs that I've owned, I've never experienced or even heard of a problem with the grip safety).

*edit* There is also MUCH more available for the Glock aftermarket although the same mods can be done to either (sights, trigger mods, barrels, etc.). Factory replacement XD parts are harder to come by than Glock parts but anything you need should now be available either through Springfield or companies like


New member
I have/had all the above. I really like the USP, but the finish is weak on the high spots. It's a great shooter.

The Glock, well, it's a Glock. I can't tell ya anymore than that. Great guns, great price.

The Sig, oh the Sig. I had a bad run with my 220. But I knew it was a fluke, so I picked up a 229 last week, and LOVE IT!. So much so I just ordered a P6. I am also looking at a a 226 equinox or Navy as well.

The biggest downside to HK's are mag costs, and HK thinks that their poo don't stink. They suck to deal with, and for some reason, HKpro (their forum) seems to think they are the Elite. Sometimes snubbing newbies with questions.

If I were in your shoes, I'd get the Sig. Your hand already likes it. There is nothing worse, than trying to make yourself like a gun. It just don't work. (trust me:rolleyes:)