Pleasantly surprised by my WASR 10...


New member
A most pleasant surprise was how well my new, fresh-out-of-the-box WASR performed for my son and I yesterday. Ammo used was Red Army Standard Elite, 123gr non-corrosive brass cased, lead core FMJ, as our local indoor range has an "anti-magnetic" ammo policy. So the Wolf Military Classic will have to wait to get shot 'til I get $$$ saved for the other local, outdoor range that has no ammo restrictions short of tracer and armor piercing, along with a 200 yard line. Anyway, distance was 30 yards; marked as 25 but, if ya push the target to just in front of the bullet trap it gives you another five yards.


Since I do believe he was more excited about it than I was, I let him run the first thirty rounds through it. Initially the rear sight was set to 300m, which resulted in high impacts. We moved it back to "P" and the impacts were closer to POA, at least for him.


Now dear ol' Dad's turn...

As noted on the target, I fired 30 rounds at 30 yards (again, the limit for my indoor range). The first five were fired leaning against/on the support shelf found on each individual lane. The next 25 were fired in groups of 5 free-standing (no additional support such as a sling, rest, brace, etc.). Just a simple "engaging close enemy troops in the open" position. Sorry, old habits die hard!


I would absolutely love to get a proper sling on this and into a solid prone or kneeling position to see just how tight I could keep the groupings, even with the stock AK iron sights!
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New member
The new 'QC Inspected' WASRs currently on the market are an outstanding value, Century and their builders really cleaned up their act on these. They are now laser-aligning during the build, parts are properly fitted, the finish is leaps ahead of the older ones, even the furnature is nice. Unfortunately their exportation has been halted to meet demands in war-zones, so if you can find one now at a good price......GRAB IT WHILE YOU CAN!


New member
To be quite honest, the biggest thing I was worried about was whether my sights were going to be canted or not when I took it out of the box and inspected it... NOPE, nice and straight!


New member
I keep hearing of WASR's with canted sights, but I have yet to see one. Thought they got that all straightened out with the SAR's, which did have the problem. I have a SAR with "slightly" canted sights, but they arent near as bad as some of them Ive seen.

My WASR is an early one, right when the ban went into effect, and looks like a SAR minus the dimples. Its sights are straight, and it had no trigger slap, something else the SAR's were notorious for, and has been a great shooter, all along.


New member
Saw a Century C39 a couple of weeks ago in one of the various Cabelas I stop at throughout the country with work, and it was absolutely horrible. Was literally off center about this much!



New member
The C39's arent a WASR. The WASR's are made in Romania, and not by Century.

My experience has been, AK's built in those countries that issue them, tend to be the better shooters. They may be a bit rough by US standards, but they work.


Sssshhhh.... Let's keep the opinion WASRs are junk. I'd like a few more in the $500 - 600 range.

I have a "Junk" WASR that is outstanding in reliability and accuracy at 200 yards I can ring the gong all day with irons - does what it was designed to do. The new WASRs are gorgeous.


Back in 2007 when they were still importing and selling the WASA 10s at Durham's Sports for $250. I got 3. I was able to pick them out of the dozen they had in stock. They took a lot of clean up and the furniture was unfinished. The New ones look great.
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New member
I too am a fan of the WASR guns, everything I expected from an ak. I would not mind picking up a few more in the $350-400 range.


Least expensive i can find on line is the CIA RI2089-N N-PAP LO-CAP at Buds. $482. One could always dremel out the mag well to fit Hi-Cap mags. Easy to do if you can have HI CAP in your locality and saves $100.
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