Playing with MS Excel


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I've been burning up a lot of ammunition lately and seem to be getting nowhere. I've known about the Audette Ladder and Dan Newberry's OCW methods for reloading for quite some time now. I just figured if it ain't broke don't fix it, well my method finally broke!

So I've got a .300 H&H that is kicking my butt. I load up usually three rounds starting at the lowest charge jumping up somtimes 2-3 grains in between charges all the way up to max loads. I then take the groups that show potential and load them up again this time in 5 shot groups and usually in .5 grain graduations on either side to 1 full grain of difference from the load that showed potential. Usually this has worked to get the load nearly where I wanted it and then I play with seating depth until I find a combo I'm happy with.

For the last year when I shoot 5 shot groups I've been running them over a chronograph as well. The group with the lowest standard deviation and extreme spread in velocity has usually been my go to load as well. Well my .300 has been a different story, every load that has shown potential doesn't group well when I go back to shoot it.

This rifle has been doing it with every powder I've tried with 190 and 200 grain bullets. It shoots 150's awesome with H4350 and 70 grains of powder, but a .300 H&H should shoot heavier bullets than 150. Besides they are only traveling at about 3000 fps and my 06 will shoot 150's that fast with less powder.

To rule out coper fouling I've tried cleaning the barrel before and during range sessions as well as not cleaning it, and nothing seems to help. A load will shoot great one day at the range and not the next. I planned on using this rifle for my upcoming elk hunt in two weeks but will probably go with my .338-06 this year as I have a load that always shoots MOA or less if I'm doing a proper job on the trigger.

Anyway I settled on Dan Newberry's OCW to try first, so I built an Excel spreadsheet to work the loads with. I'm not the best guy with Excel but I did have some fun with this one and I've set it up to automaticly calculate the powder charges. Plus I've added in other areas to put in my chrony data and POI offset from POA which is needed in the OCW method.

I can't post the spreadsheet on here or at least I haven't figured it out yet so I attached a snap shot of it. If anyone would like a copy to play with and critque PM me an email address and I'll send it out. Be sure to pick it apart and tell me what you don't like about it or what might be improved. Right now I can fit it on a regular sheet of paper and have room to scribble notes in the empty blocks. Plus it fits in a 3 ring binder real well.


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might want to include temps, humidity, & wind conditions...

I don't know how to attach my sheets ( also in Excel ) but I also do brand of brass, how many times reloaded, trim lengths, & COAL, source of the loading data, & sometimes the gun the cartridge was loaded for ( sometimes I have several loads for different guns, & of coarse the date I loaded, & date I test fired...

PS... the sheets get busy fast, I often insert comments into the cells & can write as many details as I want, then "hide" that comment, so all I have to do is float the curser over the cell to read the comments...

I use Excel quite a bit...;)
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New member
I don't know how to attach my sheets ( also in Excel ) but I also do brand of brass, how many times reloaded, trim lengths, & COAL, source of the loading data, & sometimes the gun the cartridge was loaded for ( sometimes I have several loads for different guns, & of coarse the date I loaded, & date I test fired...

PS... the sheets get busy fast, I often insert comments into the cells & can write as many details as I want, then "hide" that comment, so all I have to do is float the curser over the cell to read the comments...

I use Excel quite a bit...

:eek: I was trying to KISS! I don't know if I want all that data, I might suffer from information overload. Right now I'm debating buying QL, I'm currently using an old version of Accu Load. I'm currently scanning all my targets into the computer and using On Target to study all my groups as well. Couple that with my Chrony and I've got a mountain of paperwork in my files, and a Wife that complains about my ink and paper usage at the printer. Especailly when I start printing off free targets from the web! :D
if you are scanning targets, you can attach them into your spread sheet as well, then adjust the size into a set position on your spread sheet, & add printed measurement to your picture...

Honestly, I have a hard time with data entry on my load book at home, as I spend so much time on the "puter" at work...

the last product developement spread sheet I did up at work, looks very clean, as I inserted comments, then hid the comments... so I could litterally write pages of data convieniently "hidden" on my spread sheet... I have intentions of duplicating that format for my load sheets, because IMO, having as much data available as possible is better, as long as it's easy to read, & doesn't clutter up things too much ( probably when it's too nasty to do anything outside, over the winter )


New member
I'm not that good with Excel, whish I was better. I'm just playing around with it most days. I'm learning as I go so to speak.
I'm sure there are several of us on here that can help out if you have any questions... Excel is a very powerfull program, as much as I know about it, there is tons of stuff I know it can do, but don't remember how to do it... :eek:

you start linking stuff so several things change, when you change one thing, it's pretty cool
I've had several that have asked what my spread sheet looks like... I don't really know how to host the file, & post it here... but here is a JPEG pic of my template... when in Excel, hovering the cursor over the cells with the red corners brings up a hidden comments section & you could litterally write everything you wanted to add as far as comments without cluttering the sheet...



  • loading & shooting log template.JPG
    loading & shooting log template.JPG
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New member
Nice spread sheet there MWM! I imagine they don't want us to be able to put any kind of file up here for fear of passing along computer viruses. Plus with the size some of these Excel files become it could be a PITA for them as well.

I've changed my spread sheet several times already and learned plenty of new formulas. After taking some of your suggestions and some from my shooting buddies.

I've attached another snapshot of how my sheet looks now.

BTW Thanks for the email!


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New member
how do you hide the comments?

Right click on the cell you want to put the comment in. You shold see a "Insert Comment" option. Click on that and then expand your comment box to the size you need to write your data in there.

Hope that helps.
actually... that allows you to add the comments... once you have added your comments, right click again, & click "hide comment" now the comment text box will only show while you hold your cursor over that cell... then any changes you want to make to that comment after it's hidden, just right click the cell again, & click "edit comment"

BTW... sheet looks pretty good TAYLOR
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New member
BTW... sheet looks pretty good TAYLOR

Wifes out of town for another week the kid is in bed and I have a lot of time to play right now. Anyway I think I'm finished for now. Had about as much fun as I want with the sheet there are some things I could fix, but I know what I did and other people I sent it to can tweak it for their needs.

Anyway the last two fun things I did was add Muzzle Energy and Taylor Knockout Formula to the spreadsheet. ME is nice to know, and the TKO was just for fun.

In the spread sheet pictured I put in a known load across the chrony and added the last targert I shot on a windy day with it.

Thanks for looking, I've still got this available if anyone wants it. Click on the thumbnail for the big picture.

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