Plastic vs. Steel Enough is Enough

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New member
Heres my soap box rant. I have had enough Plastics guns are inferior, no plastic is perfection. :barf: Seriously, isnt there enough room on this board for both. Or do we need segregated semi auto forums. It just seems silly to me.

There are tons of different choices for firearms now a days do we really need to demean others choices. Both have their pluses and minuses. It almost makes we want to leave this board. Maybe weve had an influx of infantile people but it didnt always seem to be this way. Can't we all just get along.

Ok ive said my piece.
Of course there is room for both polymer and steel lovers.

Just like there is enough room for those of use the prefer wheel guns over auto-loaders.

Let the fans of the polymer guns and the "tacti-cool" look keep the polymer gun makers in business and I will do what i can to keep the more traditional makers in business. :)


New member
I know I can get along because I actually like both Polymer and Steel. I enjoy and appreciate my Pre-70 Colt 1911, all steel, and you can knock someone senseless with it if you run out of ammo. But I also appreciate the light weight and shooting of my XD9. I also have others that are steel and even aluminum frame. The only issue I have is this, I don't mind a polymer frame with steel parts in key necessary area's, but I tend not to like a steel gun that uses some plastics triggers, etc. Probably does not make sense...just a personal thing.

I would guess there are a lot of people (like myself) that like both steel and polymer guns. I think it is a fact of life that most new semi-auto designs are polymer frames.


New member
What about my Aluminum alloy framed Ruger P series? Can I play too? :confused:

I agree. I would think that after 20 or so years of polymer pistol successes we can get over this. I was just looking at a Ruger P345 today at the shop. May be my next investment.........:D


New member
PBP is well on his way of keeping the traditionals in business.... Have you seen his safes? :cool:

A personal choice in any handgun should not be criticized, but rather learned from. Either styles have their place. If only some could see that....


New member
I too appreciate the polymer guns as well as the steel. I own a couple les baers and I also have some glocks, hks, sigs. I think they're all great and a lot of fun to shoot. I think some people get stuck on one thing being the end all and be all of what they believe a handgun ought to be, that they fail to see the usefulness of some of the other types of designs.


New member
I am a steel and walnut man, no plastic, polymers or aluminum for me, but
the shooting sports are like food-there's something for everybody and the
manufacturers will sell what we the customers will buy. I do not like asparagus, broccoli, okra or zucchini, and those who do, well dig in and enjoy. Again, you can send all your steel and walnut orphans to me, I will give them a good home.


New member
Sure we can. If you like to see homos naked, it don't bother me none.

I love the creations of John Browning and I think the BHP was his best work. But thats just MY opinion. If you don't agree with it, fine. Just don't try to convince me that I'm wrong or call me an idiot.

I also have a healthy respect for Stoner, Glock, Kalashnikov, Colt, etc. I own a couple of Glocks now but I have owned a BHP and I'd love to find a Colt Delta Elite that I can afford.

(The first line is a reference to the movie Meet Joe Dirt and was in no way meant as a homophobic statement or a slam on either the Glock lovers or haters)


New member
To me the Browning High Power is one of the greatest examples of firearm design ever created, but then so is the Glock.


New member
How in the world can anybody not just love both polymer and steel? I hadn't ever met a gun I didn't like.


New member
Its great to see some good ol handgunning love regardless of make or model. Lately theres been a lot of plastic bashing. Seems juvenile to me.


New member
It's just people's opinions!

Don't see why anyone should take anyone elses opinion on plastic or steel guns so personally. If you like something, you like it. Why should it matter so much what other people think?


This forum is about discussing firearms, and people definitely have differing opinions on firearms. There's nothing wrong with differing opinions, with stating one's opinion or with defending it, but it must be done politely and not with the intent of stirring up trouble.

If a particular type of thread is particularly irritating, then it's probably best to leave those threads unread. That's every member's prerogative. If a particular member's opinion is particularly irritating, then add them to your ignore list. Again, any member has this capability.

Frankly, if everyone always agreed, these forums would be a lot less interesting. ;)


New member
I agree! It's all from one member who joined this month lol... and some of his posts are being locked.

He's a troll and if you post in his threads you only feed him:rolleyes:


New member
the bottom line

To me i rather have a polymer in my pocket, than my all steel beauty locked in safe , but i do own and carry both, steel love it --> plastic totes great, both deadly :p ;)


New member
Plastic is fine for certain purposes.


Another fabolous pic from the THR Humorous homemade gun posters


Of course there is room for both polymer and steel lovers.

Just like there is enough room for those of use the prefer wheel guns over auto-loaders.

Let the fans of the polymer guns and the "tacti-cool" look keep the polymer gun makers in business and I will do what i can to keep the more traditional makers in business.

i'm with you i'm in favor of jbrowning and his designs....the more there the merrier...i've come to realize there will be poly fa in the future...however not purchased by i said inother posts....polymer works good for stocks when in the field but the barrel, reciever, action must be steel..something about that lock up....
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