Pitting on barrel


New member
ok a very good friend of mine made a comment today about his Davis ind pistol has pitting on barrel, Personally never heard of it and I was wondering if any of you guys n gals can shed some light on what he means by this.
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Pitting can occur on the outside, due to rust, or it can occur on the inside due to rust that develops from corrosive residue from firing that has not been cleaned away.

Considering that a Davis pistol is a junk, Saturday night special, some pitting on the exterior would not surprise or concern me. Pitting in the bore can affect accuracy and also make future cleaning more difficult, but a Davis is not a pistol that should be shot a lot so my suggestion would be to give the gun a good cleaning, apply a light coat of oil inside and out as a rust preventive, and not worry about the pitting.


Active member
One of my favorite plinking guns to shoot is an old High Standard .22 Sport King. Someone refinished it, but it has pretty severe pitting on the barrel, slide and a little on the frame. It's easier to clean than my Ruger Mark II, so I've been shooting the heck out of it. I inherited it from my grandfather-in-law.

Bottom line: Pitting is ugly, but rarely hurts the function of the gun.


New member
Not sure what type of gun this is as I am unfamiliar with the brand. Many reasons a barrel can pit but from personal experience I can tell you even with a high quality gun that you use for carry, if it is not cleaned and oiled after a day of sweating all over it, it will rust/pit. If you live in a hot, humid climate and sweat while carrying the gun, at the very least, dry it off each night and treat it to a light coating of oil. Also, leave it out of the holster and give the holster time to dry out overnight on your nightstand.