pistol training for beginer


New member
My secretary just got her CCW and wants me to teach her proper safety and technique (she has not purchased a pistol yet). I want to find some written material on the safety rules and general stuff such as sight picture, grip, etc. for her to read and absorb before I sit her down with some of my unloaded pistols to practice the basics. Anyone know of a place to find this? Couldn't find much on the NRA site except their "rules" which include "never load a firearm until you are ready to use it". :eek:. GOA's website doesn't have anything either.

I can teach her myself, but I think some written materials before even laying a hand on a gun is a good idea. Easier to pay attention when there is no gun around that you are itching to get your hands on or which still makes you a little nervous.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New member
You (or your secretary) can order a book from the NRA's website. It's called "The Basics of Pistol Shooting." If I recall, it was only $9 or so. It's about 120 pages and covers many of the basics.



New member
Bikeguy, I recomend the NRA series Basic Pistol and Personal Protection. I had been shooting for years, decided to start into more organized adventures and took the Personal Protection course as my first step. Approached it with an open mind and was pleasantly suprised. Well taught, alot of range time, good solid instruction. I also learned a few things- very enlightening. I think this will serve her well. Start with the Basic Pistol, and heck go with her and make a day of it. Surf around and try to find a couple of beginner type videos. I remember viewing one that was about 19.95. It was introductory, but covered alot of valuable info. I have enclosed some NRA stuff. Don't be disuaded by the "kept empty chamber" mindset. www.nrahq.org/education/training/find.asp?State=GA&Type=
Duckhunters was purchased by the U.S. Army and modified for training. They did this after they asked many recruits who had no prior experience with firearms shoot "expert" with their rifles. The young soldiers responded, "Duckhunt." Of course, Nintendo will deny that they ever sold the Army their games and this is correct. One of Nintendo's distributor negotiated the actual sale.

The basic NRA courses are very good and if you can't find an instructor, find a NRA Hunter safety course. She'll learn a lot about firearm safety and basic info on firearms in that class.


New member
I'm with M14Nut -- call up the NRA and ask them for contact info for NRA certified instructors in your area. Have her take an NRA Basic Pistol class with a good instructor. That's just the basics. After that, for defensive training, consider NRA Personal Protection, Ayoob's LFI-1, Sigarms Concealed Carry, Gunsite 250, etc.


Fred Hansen

New member
Couldn't find much on the NRA site except their "rules" which include "never load a firearm until you are ready to use it".
You will note that it says "use it" rather than fire it. If you are "using" a gun for self-protection, then having it loaded is not inconsistent with that rule. ;)

I'll reveal my bias. Certified N.R.A. Instructor in: Home Firearms Safety, Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol, Personal Protection and I am also a certified Range Safety Officer as well as being a WA St. Hunter Ed. Instructor.

Classes are cheap, especially those taught by instructors that volunteer their time.

I'm glad that you are willing to help, if more people did there would be more people on our side.

jack pringle

New member
no doubt you have praised your secretary's decision to be a mature and clear thinking person. as in "not a sheeple". give her my best regards.

i don't have a secretary, but if i did, and i took her shooting, i know who would get shot by his woman. actually she would take the job away from me. some women are a little shy around her, but she has made many converts who are packing due to her efforts.

lucky sec to have a boss like you.

David Blinder

New member
If she's interested, I'm teaching the NRA Basic class on 10/20 and the Personal Protection class on 11/10. Both will be held at Southriver Gun Club in Conyers. See my website for more details and feel free to contact me if you have any question.


New member
Thanks for all your help and replies! I am going to try and get her to take at least one course.

blunder - I am thinking pretty hard about taking the personal protection class in November. I try and remind myself pretty regularly that I'm probably not as good as I think I am:D ;)

David Blinder

New member

You may be better or worse than you think you are but I'll tell you a little secret. The more I instruct basic level classes, the better I shoot at higher levels and the reason is because in order for me to articulate the basic fundamentals to an inexperienced person, I have to really think about those basics. It's been said that the only difference between a novice and a master is that the master does the fundamentals correctly and quickly. Why don't you encourage your assistant to come out and do one or both of my classes and you can come along and have some fun too.


New member
Blunder, funny how almost everything you teach works like that. Want to get better at what you do? Go back to the basics.... :D


New member
Have her read a chapter out of Gila Hayes' book, Effective Defense -- and keep the book around for future reference, since it covers a bunch of material that your secretary will care about later on and answers a lot of questions she hasn't asked yet, but probably will. (Holsters for women? Clothes that go with holsters for women? Purse holsters? Kids and guns? Situational awareness? etc etc)
