Pistol Scope with an AO?


New member
I'm looking for a pistol scope or other long eye relief scope that has an adjustable Objective.
Anybody know if one is made? Thx, wolfz:confused:


New member
Maybe I'm dense, but what would be the purpose of an AO on a pistol scope? Most rifle scopes don't have adjustable objectives.


New member
In my experience, parallax on an EER pistol scope is a worse problem than on a rifle scope. An AO type optic would be great on a handgun scope, adjustable from about 25 to 150 or 200 yards. Maybe not very practical for hunting but fantastic on the range.


New member
I should have explained a bit more. I'm looking for a pistol scope with AO for placement on a pellet rifle in the "scout" configuration (which needs a long eye relief (>20 inches). The AO is used routinely to determine exact distance from 7rds to 30 or more yards so that the pellet drop can be conpensated for. By the way, with a little work, an AO adjustable scope of modest mag. can also be used to judge distances out to 300 yrds for elk (or whatever) hunting.