pistol refinishing options


New member
I have a 3 year-old blued P3AT that is in need of a refinish. I'm thinking about getting it nickel plated by Jack Fuselier, but I'd like to find out about other refinishing options. How have you folks had your pistols refinished? How well is the finish holding up? Pictures, as well as cost & contact info would be very helpful.


New member
Why would you be concerned about the appearance of a cheap pocket gun? Touch up the bluing if you like and just shoot the darn thing. It's not a status symbol, it's a working gun.

Bill DeShivs

New member
Pocket guns rust. Plating keeps rust to a minimum.
Jack's plating is great. Mine is, too. Jack has semi-retired.
Other options are the high-tech paints. They can be reapplied at home.
A good plating job protects inside and out. Paint only protects the outer surface. Hard chroming is an (expensive) option.