Pistol Packing Mom


New member
I just came home from the LGS helping my mother get her new carry piece. She had her last gun taken while on a trip several months ago. She has been after me to help her pick her replacement and I finally got around to it today. She has not much hand strength so the autos are really out the question for her as she cannot rack the slide. She needs something smaller so we finally settled on a .357 LCR, as the little extra weight might help with the recoil of the .38spec some.

You should have seen the little guy in the shop when this 76yr old gray-haired grandma popped that CWL up on the counter when he started to do the paperwork.


New member
Ha. I just got off the phone with my mom about an hour ago. She was asking me what gun my dad had that she liked. I couldn't answer because I don't know and she couldn't explain it correctly but I think she is going to buy her one. She said my dad made the comment that she is using it more than he does. She got a little ticked and said "I'll show him son. I wont ever touch his gun again." Its going to be interesting in the upcoming week or so. :D. Shes is gonna do some investigating.

Congratulations to your Mama. I like to see grandma's packing iron. Good for her.

Deja vu

New member
While we are still young (we are still in our early 30s) my wife actually had her concealed carry permit before I did. She was the one that talked me in to getting mine. :eek:

I think its awesome when females have there CCWs especially older women that are less able to defend them self with out a gun. The 357 was a great choice. Loading it with 38 specials should not put much recoil on it.


New member
I am going to start taking her when I go by there because he got carried away and gave her a deal. $475.00 out the door for the gun and a holster, according to my figures that is $27.00 cheaper than if we had bought it online with the best prices I could find. The gun alone from Bud's is $427.00 with free shipping.


New member
Shootniron: Make sure she practices. You may even want to sponsor her.

These lightweight guns are not easy to shoot well, especially the realistic DA scenario.


New member
Shootniron: Make sure she practices. You may even want to sponsor her.

These lightweight guns are not easy to shoot well, especially the realistic DA scenario.


You are correct about this. I have carried the j-frames for years and have shot thousands of rounds with them, it does take continued practice to use them effectively. I cast a 125gr swc that I shoot and I will keep her in all of the ammo that she cares to shoot.


New member
I like that. My granny and aunts all carried revolvers in their purses long before there was a CCW program, and no cop would have ever hassled them over it.

Good for mom...


New member
Carry_24/7 said:
I like that. My granny and aunts all carried revolvers in their purses long before there was a CCW program, and no cop would have ever hassled them over it.

Ya beat me to it. My granny had a couple of shotguns and a couple of rifles she used to hunt her own freezer full many times a year. No handguns that I recall, though.

I remember one day, she picked up the rifle from next to the kitchen counter, opened the window above the sink and shot a deer out on the outside area of her fence line. Of course, the noise was horrendous. The only irritating thing was, she was too old to dress it out so we boys had to go take care of it for her. :D

May she rest in peace.

Carry_24/7 said:
Good for mom...




New member
My grandma once held the Washington state record for elk or mule deer -one or the other. Of course, that was with a rifle. She carried a Colt Detective Special in her purse, which is now resting comfortably in my safe. :)