Pistol laws in NJ, Anyone an expert here?


New member
Heres what I know of......
In order to own a pistol in NJ you must be 21, own a FID and then apply for a pistol permit.
BUUUT :D I remember hearing some jibberish about inheriting a pistol or receiving one as a gift, and being able to legally own one at 18 as long as you fill out the right transfer forms, and have a FID card. Can anyone teach me about this? Im almost 18 and ive been a long gun person all my life, Ive shot ehhhh 5 pistols in my life before. It was AMAZING. I think ISPC would be excellent! Being able to go to the range and back to practice pistol whe I turn 18 would be allot of fun. Anyone have any information? Thanks!


New member
You have to be 21 to acquire the handgun from any living person, along with the FID and purchase permit. You can possess one younger if military or LE, but those are owned by the issuer.

You can inherit a handgun from a deceased person, but you will have to fill out a voluntary firearm registration at your local PD, a copy of which should be kept with the firearm at all times. You may have to provide a copy of the deceased person's will to register it. If the executor is a lawyer, he should be familiar with the procedure.

If the deceased person lived in another state, good luck.


New member
If they issue you a handgun, you are authorized to possess it in the performance of your duties. Usually they have to be turned in to an armory any time you are not authorized to possess it.


New member
One more thing: When you get the chance? RUN LIKE HELL! MOVE! MOVE to another state! Like Virginia, Florida, West Virginia, Georgia or Vermont.

The states I suggested (among others, if you look 'em up) are MUCH more friendly to gun owners. I've heard really bad stories about NJ and their anti-gun movement inside the police departments, among other areas. They don't like civilians owning pistols and carrying 'em up there. I read a guy shot a criminal breaking into his house, and the police confiscated the guys' gun "because it was fired within city limits, and must be investigated" BS excuse. They never returned his gun until he hassled them to give it back... finally.

Seriously, look into moving to a "free'er" state! Then join the NRA and your local gun-rights movement organization!


I believe in NJ it goes deeper then you think. Basically, if the police department in your municipality does not like you owning a gun then you wont own it. You have to apply at the police department and, in some cases, the detectives will go to your door and interview your references. They will do a background check and all they have to find is one reason why not and you dont get a permit.

In order to get a conceal carry permit in New Jersey you must justify your need in front of a judge. The police chief will make his recommendation, but then you have to go in front of a judge in an open court who needs to bless it. Since the 70s, very few conceal carry permits in New Jersey have been issued.

When they were issued, they were issued to folks who could prove that their life was in danger through documentation. For example, there was a private detective who had performed many sensitive investigations. He was assaulted and had his life threatened multiple times. He was able to bring before the judge several police reports which documented the assaults and threats. This same private detective also had the blessing of the police chief who he had worked with many times.

Even if you could get a concealed carry permit, the majority of permits that are issued are very specific to the time and geography where you can carry. So you can carry it in Bergen County, but you cant carry it in Essex. You can carry it during the times from 8am to 5pm, but not other times. etc.

As for getting just a permit to purchase the weapon, you might be waiting 3 months and if the police department can find any reason as to why you wont get one, then you wont get one. In some municipalities, the police will do whatever they can to stop you from getting one even to the point of purposely losing your application and blaming it on a clerical error.

Whatever you do, do not violate any gun laws in New Jersey. The prosecutors and judges are notably strict on violations of such laws usually giving the maximum penalty.

In any event, obtaining any type of gun permit is a process that requires lots of paperwork and time. If any person in the process such as the police chief does not want you to own one, then you wont own one.

The first step is to head down to your local police department and tell them what you want to do. I would expect to either get laughed out of the office, strange looks or bullied out of the office. I dont know of any NJ police departments that wouldnt give you a hard time about this.


New member
*Sigh* Hopefully The USCG will re-station me to a better state after my education. : D
Untill then its long guns and duck hunting.
Im not complaining
P.S. This thread answered all my questions.