pistol in a shotgun adapter.


New member
i was just looking around on ebay a few minutes ago. and found a what looks to be a metal shotgun shell with a hole in the middle. the listing says that its an adapter for .38/.357 pistol that you can shoot it in your 12 gauge shotgun. the auction ends in 8 hours.

has anyone seen or used anything like this before?

i am tempted to bid on it. i know what you are thinking. dam flea bay antigun SOBS. but i have won some good things from them. before they stopped selling barrels.
Are they still in business? Tried contacting them a few times over the last 6 months with no luck. They seem to be pretty much the only player in the game.


New member
I have seen them for smaller gauges but not for handgun rounds. Seems like a bad idea and im sure acccuracy would be terrible and wouldnt want a 38 slug rubbing the walls of my barrel if it was off a little. I think they would only work in single,SxS and OU because their 6"+ long.
going to shoot it in an H&R pardner, so not terrible worried about the damage it could do. These are not that uncommon and have a good reputation. No one knows if they are still in business or not? There are a lot of posts on the forum about them. Up to six months ago someone had ordered from them i think, but I can't get through.


New member
Bill, Your rite and I dont think anyones machining could be off that bad.;) John, I think thair still around, Try sending an e-mail or call directory and see if they have a new number.


New member
SG inserts

I have three of them - .38/.44/.45 ACP. The .45 ACP has a six inch barrel; the other two are 2 3/4". Those two were made by a fellow in PA who has since passed away though the company, Dina Arms still sells on Ebay. The .45 comes from McAce up in Alaska. Yes, they are rifled.
They work fine for what they are. As long as I don't expect them to be tack drivers and I remember that there's only a very short barrel, they are "soda can" accurate out to 25 yards. About like a snubbie.
Using them requires practice because of the nature of the sight on most shotguns. Having just a bead front and trying to use the SG like a rifle is a skill in itself.
McAce says three weeks after ordering. I'm looking to get one more, a .38 for my 20 ga.
Try this link: http://stores.ebay.com/Dina-Arms-Co...go=DR&its=S%2BI%2BSS&itu=ISS%2BUCI%2BSI&otn=4


New member
WOW, They ship in 1-2 days after payment. Cool. Aint that funny, You cant buy a barrel on e-bay but you can these. e-bay stinks with their anti-gun crap! I remember buying all kinds of cool gun stuff on there.


New member
It seems like the rifling might put too much forward force on the barrel for some actions to handle. For example, I think NEF will sell shotgun barrels for rifle receivers, but not rifle barrels for shotgun receivers.

Maybe the problem is the breach face not being able to take the pressure. Seems like they must have a reason for not wanting rifle barrels on shotguns.


New member

""Maybe the problem is the breach face not being able to take the pressure. Seems like they must have a reason for not wanting rifle barrels on shotguns.""

You are correct. I believe they said the materials in the reciever is not as sturdy. The shotgun is weaker. Greybeards has several articles. I think if you check their rifle section under FAQ, you find pict of a shotgun reciever fitted to a rifle barrel. The results are UGLY.

I know you could get the Handi Shotgun reciever in a .357 and .44. But it could not be fit with any other rifle barrel. The also make the Handi Rifle in a .357 and .44(I have the .44)


New member
SG inserts

"Maybe the problem is the breach face not being able to take the pressure."
I had thought originally about possible pressures related problems with the .44 Mag adapter. Shotshells commonly operate at pressures below 11,000psi and all of the pistol cartridges have much higher pressures. Then, again, the thrust against the breech face is over a much smaller area than with a shotshell.
I use the "special" versions of the .38/.44 - loaded light.
It helps to remember that these little items are not intended for a lot of use; kinda "survival" equipment.
I am not sure about the pressure on the breack, but when the pressure hits the shotgun barrel it is no longer contained so it wont destroy the barrel. I was thinking of making a short barrel shotgun, then being able to throw a couple of these in it for a short barrel carbine. Totally worthless range toy. These are designed for around hunting camps to bag rabbits and squirrels when you can't quite find the big game.
I know of a few local competitive shot gunners who use the 16 ga, 20 ga, and .410 ga adapters in competition and have no complaint as to their spread accuracy. Not sure that means anything though. My major concern as far as accuracy is if the insert is turned a different direction each time the group position must change no matter how accurate the insert is.


New member
I got a nice old Savage 220 combo with a 20 ga. and 30-30 barrel and love it. Hard to come by anymore but they did offer them a long time ago and they worked fine and im still shooting it to this day.


New member

"My major concern as far as accuracy is if the insert is turned a different direction each time the group position must change no matter how accurate the insert is."
Easy enough to put a witness mark on them so that they index the same way each time they are loaded. As I said, the hard part is learning to use the shotgun bead/eye combo as a rifle sight.