Pistol Gripped Shotguns...


New member
Ok everyone, I need to be set straight. I have heard that in some states, a pistol-gripped shotgun is considered to be a pistol. Is this true, and if it is, is it considered one in West Virginia? My curiosity was piqued when I read that and now I have to know. Also, I think I read somewhere that (for reasons beyond my comprehension) the Mossberg 500 series shotguns allows for the attachment of a M-16 bayonet. Is this true, and if so, what other shotguns have this ability (in particular, does the Winchester 1300?)? Sorry in advance if my questions seem a little stupid, as it were. I just have a curious mind. :)


New member
I would be hard pressed to believe any state would consider a shotgun with a pistol grip to be a handgun. That being said, call the local P.D or S.O. and get their opinion. And be sure to speak to a sworn officer.

The Mossberg 590A1 (IIRC) does come with a bayonet lug and you can attach an M-16 bayonet to it. Not sure if the Winchester 1300 has that capability, but I doubt it.

Also, WELCOME ABOARD! There are many very knowledgeable folks on this board who will be happy to answer any questions you have.


New member
Ditto on the bayonet question. The marines used or still use the 590A1 for certain chores.

As for shotguns being classified as a pistol, the only thing I have ever heard is that that if they fall under the federal barrel length requirement they get classified as an Any Other Weapon or Short Barreled Rifle and require a $200 Tribute to the.....ahhhh I mean tax.

Like everybody else will tell you. Run it by your local LEO/DA whatever to make absolutely sure. There are so many stupid laws and they change so fast so quietly that it doesn't hurt to check every once in a while.


Ben Swenson

New member
Short shotgun - (<18" and manufactured as such) without a stock is considered a smoothbore pistol, and is hence an "Any Other Weapon" and a $5 "tax" - not $200.

Very important phrase there - manufactured as such. You can't go out and chop the barrel and stock of a regular shotgun yourself (because it started its "life" as a regular shotgun and is now a short barreled shotgun), but if the people who build the gun from scratch give it a short barrel and no stock, then it can be registered as an AOW for $195 less.

No, it doesn't make sense but that's the way it is.