Pink Pistols membership soars


New member
Channel 2 News, here in Denver, had an article on how firearm sales are soaring; and a good percentage of those sales are to gays.

They also stated that the Pink Pistols ( membership soared from 1,500 on Saturday to 3,500 Monday.

Here is a link to the report:

This is important because gays tend to vote democrat in vast numbers. Even they see the idiocy of firearms bans and they will realize that they are far more vulnerable than the average citizen. This could have a direct impact on the next election because Hillary has already vowed to disarm everyone -- including gays.


New member
True, but a proposed AWB is not going to dissuade very many Democrats from changing their vote as long as they can own a handgun. Some, certainly, but enough to make a difference?

It is good to see folks seemingly taking responsibility for their safety, though. Lets see what CCW permits do in the next couple of months.

I look for an upswell in voting by gun rights folks, though, they're getting energized.


New member
To be fair though, does Pink Pistols membership soaring mean it's mostly gays joining? One doesn't need to be gay to join the organization.
I learned on Tuesday evening that the Pink Pistols has approached my state's 2A advocacy group for support in starting a chapter here. We're all in favor.