Pictures of two Ruger Speed-Sixes & One Service-Six(2.75")!


New member
Here are my two Ruger Speed-Sixes and one Police Service-Six, that I installed some classic old "Mustang" grips on, to spruce them up a bit!:







New member
revolver collection

Very nice old Rugers, I like the sub-4" barrels. A bit hard to find in the
"used gun department" of most dealers. Your collection appears to be
in excellent condition and I'm envious.


New member
1)Thank you for your compliment!

2)You are right, that the short barrel Speed and Service-sixes are hardly ever seen in the used gun cases at most gun shops! I thought that I was never going to find any of these revolvers? I then, started my quest in the hopes of someday finding at least one Speed/Service-Six? I searched everyday until I was just about ready to give up-then, "Bingo" I found the Speed-Six! This gave me the encouragement that I needed, to keep on searching for either another(2.75")Speed-Six or a Service-Six!:eek: :confused:

3)Don't be discouraged! Just keep looking with a "Positive" attitude-and, one day you will be the lucky one to find a nice Speed/Service-Six! I'm really fond of these revolvers and they certainly are worth looking for, IMHO! Good luck!:D


Patience when looking for used weapons is required. I've found that I always seem to discover a treasure if I'm just sort of browsing, without anything specific in mind. The more places you look, the better your chances are, as well. It's not always the high-volume shops that have the less common pieces.:)

Nice looking trio, sir.


New member
You should get together with my little brother, his first (and at this point only) firearm is a Stainless 2.75" Security Six .357. He's also a die hard Ruger Fan (he's now thinking about a .45 Colt Blackhawk).


New member

Well, your brother certainly picked a great revolver for his very first one! I started out with a Security-Six also, as my first revolver!:eek: :D I still have my old(2.75")Security-Six!


New member
His only complaint was that the factory grips were too small to be comfortable with magnum loads (a common complaint with older revolvers). Fortunately that problem was fixed with a set of $18 Aftermarket grips.


New member
Very nice.

Take this from a die hard Smith and Wesson fan...The Ruger Six series is one of the best DA wheelguns ever made. Ruger really screwed the pooch when they dropped these for that overweight thing they call the GP100. The Sixes handle nicely, and have a trigger that is actually useable, as opposed to the can of marbles that passes for a trigger on the GP100.

I am eternally on the lookout for a sub 4inch blued Ruger Six. Super nice guns.


New member
Nice grips,The only complaint with the Speed Six is that the grip is a little slippery with magnum loads.Yes Speed Sixs are hard to come by,I found mine in a local pawn shop for $300 out the door(tax,background check incl.).I thought that was a little high but like you I had been looking for a while decided to get it anyway.


New member
Ruger really screwed the pooch when they dropped these for that overweight thing they call the GP100

I think Ruger did a great job in bringing the GP100 out, they just screwed up when they dropped the Speed Six because it still had a place in the Ruger line up. The SP101 is the small pack 'em up revolver, no medium frame, then the GP100, then the SRedhawk. Yeah the Speed Six needs to come back.

Nice looking guns there.



New member
I agree 100%! I favor all of Ruger's "Six-Series" revolvers-despite the fact that I currently own two GP100's! I say this for the same reason that I'd prefer a K-frame to an L-frame S&W revolver! Although these larger Ruger GP100's and Smith & Wesson L-frames have their place, these medium framed "Six-Series" and Smith K-frames are just the right size, for good looks and ease of handling!:eek: :D


New member
Whats funny is there is another thread going on about "are rugers ugly?. After seeing a picture of these beauties as well as the ruger DA's I own, there is noway I'd say there ugly. Rugers are attractive in there simple buisness like design. Very nice iron, indeed.:)


New member
Whats funny is there is another thread going on about "are rugers ugly?

I always felt that the Ruger Six series of DA revolvers is uncommonly good-looking. The heavy recoil shield reminds me a bit of the SAA. The just look good to me... better actually than the S&W 66 which is also a handsome piece.


New member

Your opinion is perfectly right! I feel exactly the same as you, regarding the S&W Model 66 being a beautiful revolver(As is the the Model 19!)and also, that the Security-Six is even prettier than the Model 66! In fact, This is one of the reasons that I had started collecting Ruger Security-Sixes-first, because their design was very close in looks to the S&W Model 66-and secondly, with target grips, were even nicer looking, than the Model 66(Although close!)! And lastly, were a much stronger revolver than the Model 66-with the added advantage of having a simple modular construction(With a no tool take-down!)! Whomever had the idea that Rugers are ugly, must have had their head screwed on backwards! The truth is, that every gun manufacturer has some models of guns that look better than the others-and, throughout history, maybe just a few ugly ducklings came about? However, to just single out Ruger as being ugly(Not true!)is just a sad case of Brand bias! If it were true that Ruger revolvers were just plain ugly-then, Ruger wouldn't have reached the level of success that they have in the gun market today! I'm not saying that every Ruger ever made has been perfect-but, only that Ruger has only been successful because they had made good, reliable, and good looking guns, that were affordably priced for the mass market and had done the job that they had been designed to do in the marketplace! The Security/Service/Speed-Six revolvers, came way late in the game, to the double-action revolver market-and, Bill Ruger made sure that these wonderful(Service revolvers!)were going to be made better than the competition, in terms of offering a modern Modular design revolver, that would withstand the test of time(Despite all of the Brand Bias!)and would go on to become a well respected revolver all around the world! Over 1.5 million Security-Sixes were produced and most of these are still in service today(And loved by those who have owned these guns over the years!)! One thing is for sure, everyone has a different opinion than someone else-and, this is what makes the world go around! This is why we have guns from every mamufacturer, made in many different sizes, shapes, calibers, and finishes-to enable pleasing most everyone out there! Still, there will always be somebody who will come up with the statement, that something is "Uglier" than everything else -just to "Shake-up" the troops! The best approach, is to buy what you like-and, not what somebody else likes! If you don't do this, you will always be the person that suffers!:eek: