Picture of Game Taken with Ruger Single Six

TX Hunter

New member
I am a Houndsman, I hunt Racoon, and Sometimes Squirrel with Hounds.
Its hot this time of year, so I hunt early in the morning on my days off.
This morning my Hounds treed this big Coon. And I shot him out of the tree with my Stainless Ruger Single Six revolver. Here is a picture of my hunting dogs, with the big Coon.



New member
That is a nice size coon! Or some small dogs!!:D

I work with a fella that coon hunts. He breads & trains his own dogs.
He sells them all over the place. He has breed a couple champion dogs.

Depending on what part of East Texas you are in, I wouldn't be supprised if yall had crossed paths.

I love to see the dogs in action!
I had always said I wanted to go hunting with him armed with a camera.
The hound at the tree with his head thrown back is a true sight to see!!

By the way, nice shot! Where did you hit the coon & how many shots?

TX Hunter

New member

I bet I probably know your friend.
The Coon went up a Stooping Magnolia, I hit him right in the Ribcage.
That shot would have done him in, but I was afraid he would hang up, so I shot again, and got him again right behind the ribcage, it took a couple of minutes but he fell out dead.
The Coon was huge, White Walker hound, is a 50 lb dog.
and the redish color dog, is a young 5 month old pup.
He is cross bred, Treeing Walker hound, and Kemmer Mountain Cur.
It was an oops, but I think he is gonna make a fine hunting dog.:D
Believe it or not, but there was a Gentleman, that wanted the Racoon, even this time of year, so I gave him to him, within thirty minutes of the kill.
No waste of carcass, No More Coon eating my friends feed, He was treed in the forrest behind my friends farm. My dogs, got good a workout, and I got some practice with my revolver.
Its all good.:D

Oh Yea, this is a Revolver forum, so here is a picture of my Revolver,
I love this gun, its great for small game, and snakes.

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New member
Nice revolver!!

Ronnie Hilton is my co-workers name. He is an older gentleman who has been coon hunting for a few years.

He rarely shoots a coon either.
Only if he has a young dog in training or like you, a friend in need.

I kind of thought that was a pretty big coon.
It has been a while since I messed with them.
I did some trapping back in the 80s.
Back when a fur was worth skinning!

Back to a shooting topic, it is always fun to hit a target that gives you a reaction.
Nice shooting!

I'm curious to see if there are any other post.

TX Hunter

New member
Thanks JJ.

That name sounds familiar, but Im not sure.
I have a few friends, around Palastine, and one up in Gilmer, that I hunt with ocasionally.
Its alot of fun, this time of year, its hot, but I pretty much have the woods to myself.
During Deer season, I put the dogs away, and join the rest of the Deer hunters, after season, I get them back out again, and the chase resumes.
My favorite time, is in Mid Winter, and Early Spring.:D
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New member
My Dad always had 15-30 Walker coyote hounds. It was common back then for us to meet with other hunters and run coyotes and listen to hard running hounds all night.
Thanks for your post, it brings back good memories.

Watch out for irate landowners.

TX Hunter

New member
Thanks Blue Monster, And parasite

Yes its very fun messin with these ole hunting dogs.
I am very carefull where I turn them loose, Im very lucky to have a very large area of friendly territory to hunt them in.
The Hounds name is Sara Pearl, the Curs name is Tuff.
I started using a Single Six revolver for my Coon Hunting a couple of years ago, it took a while to get use to it, But is so much more comfortable than carrying a .22 Rifle.
I keep a fresh pair of Ear Plugs in my shirt pocket, for when I fire that thing.:D


New member
Nice coon indeed. We used to run coon with hounds, our favorites were Blue Ticks. Made decent money at it, even paid for alot of ammo with possum pelts. Got a dog now that I thought was a rottie mix but as he got older I see alot more black and tan than rottie in him. He sure holds to a squirrel.


New member
attn all coon hunters

You have my complete blessing to shoot every turkey egg eatin' coon you lay eyes on!!!!!

With the steady decline of the coon hunting and trapping (in my area anyhow) these nest raiders are everywhere, along w/ their accursed relatives, skunks and possum's. The only threat to them is vehicles and paved roads.

Go get'em. Heck, take a shotgun so you don't miss, no insult intended.


New member
Don't mean to turn this into a hound thread, but I used to show Foxhounds all over the country for several years.
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Claims Rep.

New member
The Single Six is an absolutely great plinker to take squirrel hunting. When I take my son, he has a .22 rifle and I carry my Single Six (exact same as yours).

Good post.

TX Hunter

New member
Claims Rep,

I just wanted to let you know, Hunter Holster Company, makes a wonderfull cross draw holster for this model.
Its not the western style, its a conventinal style holster with a good sturdy hammer strap, with a snap buckle. I wear one of these on my light belt, I really enjoy hunting with this Revolver.


New member
I have a SS also, only it's blued. Great gun.

That's a good size rodent there. Just out of curiosity, did you take out the coon using the .22lr cylinder or the .22wmr one?

C Philip

New member
Something I've always wondered about shooting animals in trees; how do you follow the "be sure of your target and what lies beyond it" rule. You have no backstop and the bullet could travel a long ways into who knows what. Do you line up the shot so the tree trunk is behind the animal? That's not a very big backstop. Certainly you could use a small caliber with rapidly expanding bullets to make sure you don't fully penetrate the animal, but you'd have to be darn sure you wouldn't miss, because if the animal moves all of a sudden when you shoot your bullet could wind up a mile away in someone's house.

TX Hunter

New member
Brian, Philip

Brian, i used the .22 Rimfire Cylender, and Federal 136Grain Hollow points.
I have Hunted with the Magnum Cylender also, It does work better.

You have a good point, Most of the time, when shooting a Coon out of a tree, there are branches everwhere up there, and you will more than likely hit a limb if you miss, but I do guess you could end up with a stray bullet, traveling a long way if you missed entirely.
A shotgun would probably be a good idea for this type of hunting.
Most of the time, I hunt Coon at night, and my local Parks and Wildlife department, told me that I can only use .22 Rimfire, at night while hunting furbearing animals.
Most of the time, I use my Ruger Single Six Revolver.


New member
Hey Texas

My buddy has that same gun with the ivory grips. What a nice little gun for plinking and apparently for your application as well. Good hunting to you sir.