Pics of the "big guns" firing...


New member

Never actually seen the projectile leaving the gun on one of these suckers. :)



New member
It does my heart good to know that USS Wisconsin is still in the mobilization reserve. Sometime, someplace, those guns might fire in anger one last time.



New member
I'm not a Navy man - (well, my father in law is) but I can't help but swell a little with pride knowing she's one of ours and still workin'... :cool:


New member
How about a shot of big missles launching? Talos missle being launched from the fantail of the USS Chicago CG11. I was aboard the day the pic. was taken.

And what, if you were wondering, does a missle launch do to the paint?

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
DAMN. I could have used that to strip the old paint off the Samurai! :mad:

"Yeah, this is the NAVY? Yeah, I want to park a little Suzuki Samurai under the back blast of one of your missle launches... Yeah, I know it will strip the paint... Hello... Hello?"


New member
WOW!!:cool: :cool: I just sat and stared for about 3 minutes. I would not want to be on the wrong end of one of those. Makes a 50 BMG look like a cap gun. Keep em coming.:) :)

Did you know those big ships handle like a destroyer? Yep, their turning radius is smaller than other BBs of the era.

Big guns and lots of 'em. That's what the Navy use to be.


Moderator Emeritus
Anybody care to figure the ME of an 18.9 million grain projectile at 2500 feet-per-second? With a 16" bore, I'll bet it'd have a hella TKOV and at 2500fps, M&S would approve, plus I bet it'd blow a jello block clean off the table.

What's MOA calculate out to at 42,345 yards?

I'd guess you'd want a fairly long eye relief scope on these things to avoid a black eye... ;)


New member
Now THAT'S what I call stopping power!


Oh, I LOVE things that go BOOM!


And what, if you were wondering, does a missle launch do to the paint?

Gotta have some way to keep those swabbies busy at sea!

No wonder out taxes are so high. Look at all the paint one live exercise burns up!
