Pics of my Gold Cup Torphy


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Pics of my Gold Cup Trophy

Pics of my Gold Cup Trophy


  • goldcup2s.jpg
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New member
Really nice, but what happened to the bluing on the right side of slide?

-> Really nice, but what happened to the
bluing on the right side of slide? What
year is this specimin born in?


New member
Really nice, but what happened to the bluing on the right side of slide?

This looks like a late model Gold Cup and does not have a mirror polish on the flats. I think the light spot is the camera flash reflecting off the polish marks.


New member
Yes, the flats are brushed, not polished. The blue is perfect, no marks at all.

It does still have the wide trigger. Look at the bottom picture. See how there is only about 1/64 of an inch of the trigger guard visible beluw the trigger? I love those wide triggers. If it didn't cost about $200 to have the frame cut to allow the Gold Cup style trigger to be installed, both of my Springfield Stainless models would have such triggers.

Thanks for all the comments. I may be putting this up for sale before too long to finance a varmint/sniper style .308 Rifle purchase.


New member
Last pic.

You can more clearly see the width of the trigger in this one.


  • goldcup7s.jpg
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