Picked up my newest S&W...

a Model 12-2 Airweight snub with a flat latch.

Finish is a bit worn, but there aren't too many dings. Grips are also a bit worn, but the diamonds aren't totally worn down.

Action locks up nice and tight, barrel is in excellent condition. Its apparent that this was carried a lot and shot very little over the years.

I'll try to get some pictures of it and my other most recent purchase, my 25-5, up sometime this weekend.


New member
Sounds like a gun I saw before :p

Nice catch, congratulations...

I ironically passed on one a few months back but they're great. Not often seen with a 2 in barrel.

bdb benzino

New member
Congrats on your model 12! I picked up a 12-3 on New Years eve, and since then I have been neglecting my J frames:eek:. Although I need a good IWB holster still, so it has been going to work with me in my Tactical Taylor CC bag with 1 Safariland speed loader for a reload;). I instantly shot this Airweight K frame better and easier than my J's. For pocket carry the J frame Airweights will still rule the roost!
Good luck, and I will be waiting to hear a range report as well! Great revolver!:cool:
OK, here we go. Crappy cell phone picture, but you get the idea...

OK, now that I have this think, what is everyone shooting out of their Model 12s?

I may use this on and off for a carry gun, so I need to find myself a decent non-+P .38 Special loading.

Any suggestions?


New member
I don't carry mine,,,

But I was able to score 4 boxes of wadcutter target loads,,,
These shoot just fine out of my 4" model 12,,,
Felt recoil isn't bad at all with these.

A round I have fallen in love with for my 2' and 3" J-frame Model 36's,,,
The old standard, 158 grain semi-wadcutter flat nose,,,
Again, felt recoil isn't bad at all with these.

You probably have more experience than I do in these matters,,,
But what I looked for was not the most expanding HP round,,,
But the one where recoil was low enough to retarget quickly.

Nice gun Mike,,,


bdb benzino

New member
I normally carry +p's in all my other guns, but for my model 12 I have started using Hornady 158gr HP's. They shoot to POA, and seem pretty mild. The 158gr SWC's seems real close for a practrice round that shoots similar. Although I would have no problem keeping my M 12 stoked with 158gr SWC's for carry as well!;)